why my signature is banned?


New member
well, my is signature is banned in the forum, the original version is affordable web hosting in Asia and that is banned?
how on earth everyone is doing it but not me? or because I have said something to to someone SEO' services and that get banned.

It is not affiliate or any kind!

I thought we should be adult and not childish! yesterday i said i'm impressed with this forum but well I have to admit this is not fair, !
HostThemUp, your signature is not banned. It was simply edited to bring your attention to the rules that you agreed to when you signed up for HostingDiscussion.com. Usually, people could earn an infraction for breaking the rules, but we gave you a break.

Now to the point. Your signature was edited because it contained pricing information which is considered to be part of sales information.

As per HD's rules: "4.2 Participants may not use signatures to run sales ads (including without limitation scams, pricing information and plan descriptions)."

Should you have further questions, you can contact me personally or open a support ticket through our helpdesk.
