whois.cart has just improved a huge amount


New member
Just want to sing praises for whois.cart
I have been using it for around a month or so now and its great.

It does everything I need and the support is very good.
Very easy to edit the templates on it also which is useful.

Well the main point of my post...
Whois cart just released a plugin which means paypal subscriptions are now available for your customers, this was the only thing I thought was keeping the script back as my customers didnt want to have to pay manually.

Having this has just made the script perfecto for me :D

Nice deal, very intresting. If I had a huge company, which I don't and I sold resellers + dedicated servers, I would invest in PerlBill and something like that, I like my way so much better ( paypal subscriptions and manual order processing) less fraud and less $$ on my half.
Doing it like that can take a lot of time Max.
Where do you have all information for your clients?
Do you send them an invoice?
Do they have anywhere to check all their past payments apart from logging into their paypal?
Do you use an order form or how do they make the initial subscription payment?

Whois cart seems to be getting better all the time and getting more customers, even people converting over to it