Who Uses MaxMind?

MaxMind is really great, prevents 99% of scams ...

Anyway your limit level should be above 3.00(as many costumers register with free mails) + IP detector isn't always 100% correct.
We have been using MaxMind since we migrated into WHMCS.
so far so good.
We are setting to filter fraud score 5 and above.
We tried Max Mind. It was alright. It doesn't provide the pretty graphs that some of them do; however, I cannot complain about their pricing.
It is good to prevent scams, but it does stop a lot of signups as a lot of people are lazy and do not want to go through the process. This is the reason I took it off. I have a process to check on fruad (which I can't say here) but so far it works great. Stops 100% of fruad so far and I am hoping it stays that way.
It is good to prevent scams, but it does stop a lot of signups as a lot of people are lazy and do not want to go through the process. This is the reason I took it off. I have a process to check on fruad (which I can't say here) but so far it works great. Stops 100% of fruad so far and I am hoping it stays that way.

No Offense! Nothing is 100%. We had a client who had passed through our Fraud Gaurdian account, manual review, and was on our server for a year before we found out he was doing fraud. Recently, we have seen some very smarter fraudster who have gone through alot of trouble to sneak by. We had one guy create a fake ID.

The key to using Max Mind is not to allow it to prevent orders but to set them to pending when the score is high enough. That will allow you to do a manual review. There are probably many orders that do not even need to be looked at that your manual reviewing. Time is money.
I know stoping fruad is not 100%, but my methods have stoped fruad on my servers. Also, one of my staff members reviews each site once a month choosing a diffirent time each month to check each site and account for material that would lead to fruad activity
MaxMind is an automated system and can't be absolutely 100% accurate.
It wouldn't be a good idea to blindly reject all orders that it gives a bad score for.
In my opinion, some amount of manual intervention and fine tuning over time would be required.
But yes, its a very powerful anti-fraud service.
I know stoping fruad is not 100%, but my methods have stoped fruad on my servers. Also, one of my staff members reviews each site once a month choosing a diffirent time each month to check each site and account for material that would lead to fruad activity

What the tells me is you have to much time on your hands if you can manually review each site monthly. In matter of fact, if I was a customer and saw that I would be a little worried. That seems like a huge waste of time to me. If they pass our initial fraud review we let it go until we have a complaint. Is a customer really going to change its principals and business in a month? No!
One, I do not review each account manually. If a signup looks suspicous I investigate it. Also, a tech of mine checks the server for other stuff other than fruad, like torrents, warz, etc. Fruad is just of the things that my tech looks out for.

Also, it seems by your comment that you have a problem with my methods? My methods is what keeps my server clean, and running smooth.
One, I do not review each account manually. If a signup looks suspicous I investigate it. Also, a tech of mine checks the server for other stuff other than fruad, like torrents, warz, etc. Fruad is just of the things that my tech looks out for.

Also, it seems by your comment that you have a problem with my methods? My methods is what keeps my server clean, and running smooth.

You run your business however you choose to run your business. From spending six to seven years in this industry all I know is your methods are very odd. I would be worried about privacy as a customer with your tech snooping around through my accounts. Everytime I comment on your method you change your method. Sounds like to me your new to the industry, have a small client base, and your unsure of your methods.

I can tell from your website and hosting packages that you are young. You have been around since 2006. I have been around since 2002. There are things that I worry about as a hosting consulting that you have not run into yet. If your business makes it to five years and grows your going to realize that checking the box once a month to thumb through files and manually reviewing all orders like you say you do cannot happen anymore. With how the industry is changing, competition increasing, and cost of people you just wont have enough at the end of the day.
I am not new to the hosting industry. I have five years of experience and my client base is decent sized. My tech knows each client very well and my clients do not mind. The first time my tech checks the clients account he asks for permission and the client normally agrees to it. clients that refuse are not checked unless a complaint is recieved.

Look, privacy is very important to me and my clients. I get to know each client personaly. This is one of the reasons my clients trust my methods. They know what I am doing is for the best. I am sorry if my method seems odd, but it works. Also, anyone here can tell you that the most important thing to me is making sure my services are top notch, support is top notch and that my clients are happy.
We use maxmind - both minFraud and telephone verification. It might cost a customer or 2 but that's ok. I'd rather that than get bogged down with fraud chargebacks,etc. And if they can't read to enter a correct phone number - do you really want them as a customer?? Don't know about others but ClientExec puts
"(To verify the order, enter a number where you can currently be reached. For international numbers, be sure to include the leading "+" sign followed by the country code.)"
right there by the phone number field... "currently be reached" - seems straightforward to me.
We have used Maxi-Mind since 2008 & they are really excellent, If you can use Really & Excellent side by side (Excellent), ha ha, but we use and trust their services and we love them.

Save us time on knocking off those fraud orders ;)

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