Whmcs Payment Methods


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Hello Dear Forum Members
Which Payment Infrastructure Do You Use for Whmcs System?
Which Is The Lowest Fee Payment Infrastructure Do You Think?
If you are looking for cheap, I would prefer Stripe for accepting card payments. You can also use the Bitcoin payment gateway it will be the cheapest.
First, is your location, If you are in India then you can configure with PayU and ccAvenue both works perfect, otherwise, Stripe and Bitcoin is also better and cheap
We use PayPal & Stripe for payments.

PayPal due to being widely recognised and trusted by most - External payment but you can pay £20 per month for PayPal Website Payments Pro which allows taking card payments on your website.
Stripe - Allows us to take card payments on our website rather than externally like PayPal.
We don't use WHMCS but we use Stripe for processing all card payments, it just seems like the most secure and hassle free way, and was easy to integrate into our setup.

We also offer clients the ability to pay by bank transfer which we deal with ourselves because it doesn't require storing any sensitive data like account or card numbers.
We use Blesta, and stripe - PayPal for payments, even if you like to accept only CC payments it's a good idea to have two options for your clients because sometimes things happen.

Paypal has a higher basic rate outside of your base than a stripe, but we figured that once your gt into their merchant fees discount on payments up to 50 USD PayPal is actually cheaper than a stripe, of course, it has its drawbacks.
Stripe from the other hand is straight forward but delays your payments by at least 1 week, and it seems to have fewer drawbacks than PayPal (though stripe is fairly new and strive for market space so that might change in the future,)

Paypal integrates better with tax systems (Especially if you are incorporated in the UK) but stripe just needs a few more clicks so not a big deal.

The reason I would prefer PayPal is the option to offer Client Credit, and the Business capital + CC, though you can get all that from a bank as well, and it's not a deal-breaker.

Final conclusion is that we been operating using only Paypal since 2011, we added STRIPE as an option a few months ago in 2020 and we got surprised when we noticed 80% of our clients changed their preferred gateway to stripe.

You mention Paytr, which I never used, but if it's known in your target market audience and makes payments easy for them I don't see why not to use it as well.
In general, I think that is a quite important to use and operate such payment methods which your clients prefer to have. I think that in the long term such tactics will make any service more attractive.

Personally. I can recommend Stripe due to how easy it is to use, how trusted they are, and how low their fees are. If you are looking for cryptocurrency payment methods, I can recommend coinpayments.
We've got a wide variety of payment methods implemented in WHMCS. This is because the customers were asking for them. We're accepting PayPal, Credit Card, Crypto. Perfect Money and PaySafeCard.
Recently, we've encountered some issues with Crypto payment processors and had to change the processor. Some don't accept companies registered in US so it's becoming increasingly difficult for us to find a payment processor that operates with a high number of crypto coins.
Has anyone in the US experienced this issue with crypto? Can you tell us what payment gateways you are using?
Coinpayments - we recently changed that since it was no longer accepting US companies. Coingate - same, we had them a while back. Bitpay - still using them, but they are limited. Coinbase - that's what we're using as of almost a month ago. Any feedback from others?
I use the Interkassa payment system. It is very convenient to connect a variety of payment methods using a credit card, cryptocurrencies, Apple/Google Pay
You can Set Up accepting payments in multiple cryptocurrencies With No Fees for your E-commerce.
Free integration of cryptocurrency payments is available using a crypto-processor for WordPress and WooCommerce.
Custom integration of receiving cryptocurrency payments using the crypto-processor for popular CMS, plug-ins, and billing systems is quite possible.
Offline payments gateway is the undisputed leader for lowest fees, but btcpay or cash can also be used to achieve smaller fees.
The amount of fees depends on many factors, turnover, country in which you operate, etc.
For us, paypal is the most popular payment method, but not the cheapest. Payment methods via stripe are cheaper, but 95% of all customers prefer to pay via paypal.
If you are looking for a payment provider that offers you many payment methods, stripe is my favorite.