WHMCS Add-ons

Having 3rd party addons is like playing "Russian roulette", being just a matter of time until it fails, but what I am concerning is about security of this. I had bad experience with this so I learned the lesson in the hard way. I advice to use 3rd party addons strictly if is very important and try to develop your own things like I did in my case, specially when you work with sensitive information from your customers.
Having 3rd party addons is like playing "Russian roulette", being just a matter of time until it fails, but what I am concerning is about security of this. I had bad experience with this so I learned the lesson in the hard way. I advice to use 3rd party addons strictly if is very important and try to develop your own things like I did in my case, specially when you work with sensitive information from your customers.

Also if you are going to use 3rd party addons then you need to trust the developer.

1) How long have they being trading.
2) Are addons their main business.
3) How many addons have they developed.
4) Have they any reviews on specific forums (ie. WHMCS addons- have they any reviews on the WHMCS forum)
being just a matter of time until it fails
Nonsense. A proper provider will keep their addons up to date. Just avoid the poor ones, such as ModulesGarden and you'll be fine.

but what I am concerning is about security of this.
Again, if you use a proper provider, this won't happen. Security is obviously important, but not using mods because 'security' is pretty ridiculous

There are less than a handful of quality WHMCS module developers out there, people that know what they're doing, have been around for ages and keep their stuff up to date. These developers don't release modules for 'cheap', they release modules because they work, and they release them at realistic prices.
Nonsense. A proper provider will keep their addons up to date. Just avoid the poor ones, such as ModulesGarden and you'll be fine.

Again, if you use a proper provider, this won't happen. Security is obviously important, but not using mods because 'security' is pretty ridiculous

There are less than a handful of quality WHMCS module developers out there, people that know what they're doing, have been around for ages and keep their stuff up to date. These developers don't release modules for 'cheap', they release modules because they work, and they release them at realistic prices.

I agree and then you have those that have been around for years and once did great modules like Lee Mason (No Half Pixel/WHMCS module shop) who has some great modules which worked great but then a few years ago he just went to ground yes still selling modules that most wont work with updated WHMCS and he never answers tickets
This is pretty vague in terms of what type of add-ons you need. I try to keep less add-ons as possible and only have the ones that are actively used. Keeps your server space lower and slow down your system with add-ons running things you don't even need.

An example of a useful and active add-on such as Tawk.to for our live chat.
I am using some modules to prevent fraud orders like.
- Maxmind
- Fraudrecord.

One custom made giftcard module and some other module like:
- SMS Manager. (For notification to client/admin on order, overdue invoice, etc)
- Account Close module.

Some other payment gateway.
I do not use any addon's in fear it will break the system LMAO.
However, the Fraud one sounds interesting as that stuff does happen.
I was creating better software when I was 13 than these clowns put out now. I just wish I had more time to devote to the craft because I have a lot of great ideas.
I love the Coinbase cryptocurrency addon just because I'm a rebel I guess. Something is appealing with the idea of a currency that isn't controlled by a government.
I love the Coinbase cryptocurrency addon just because I'm a rebel I guess. Something is appealing with the idea of a currency that isn't controlled by a government.

but a lot of these are controlled and used by criminals. look what happened to Liberty Reserve

Liberty Reserve was a Costa Rica-based centralized digital currency service that billed itself as the "oldest, safest and most popular payment processor, serving millions all around a world". The site had over one million users when it was shut down by the United States government.


If i terminate an account i leave any unpaid invoices open as

1) if they try and get hosting again then they would need to pay the outstanding invoices.

2) If they breached our TOS then we leave the invoice open as we pass this onto a debt collection agency and invoices have to be active for this to happen.

Good luck trying to let a customer on the other side of the world paying your invoice he doesn't want to pay. Debt collectors and lawyers will be very expensive for that.
Good luck trying to let a customer on the other side of the world paying your invoice he doesn't want to pay. Debt collectors and lawyers will be very expensive for that.

I am in the UK and all my clients were in then UK.

In then UK we have 'a letter before action' which the company i used charged nothing to send this. A LBA gives the client 14 days to reply and pay me, if they pay i inform the debt agency and no further action is taken, if i dont contact then agency they will them send an agent to the clients address to get the money owned along with their fee (25% of the debt). if this fails then then agency contacts me for my next step, usually at this point i give up as not worth then hassle, but their invoices remained active on the server.
if i need to go further i could could through moneyclaim system which depending on debt ranges from £25, this is ignored will place a County Court judgement against the client.
Only once have i taken a debt all the way as after a LBA the client started to insult me etc.
This client only owned me £50, but by then time it had gone through the court system he ended up paying nearly £300
Personally i think it's better to keep out of addons unless they are really needed.
-or- make your own

I also share this opinion. The less modules the better.

I am very selective with modules I use and will not use 3rd party modules for important functionality (such as payments) and prefer to use them to enhance functionality.

Modules I use are:

SMS Centre
Addon modules allow you to create both admin pages and hooks to extend WHMCS furthe.
Personally i think it's better to keep out of addons unless they are really needed.


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