Which VPS to choose after shared hosting nightmare


New member
Hi all,

I just ordered a hosting from hostmonster 3 days back for my blog http://ebusinesscorporate.com. The problem is that it takes a looooot of time to load and they were kind enough to inform me that they will refund the money if i am unhappy. So this is the point from which i need your help.

I am planning to go VPS. I have the following plans in mind

Link 4 plan from http://vpslink.com/vps-hosting/
512 Mb guaranteed ram plan from http://cheapvps.co.uk/plans
VPS 384 plan from http://www.wiredtree.com/managedvps/
Diamond vs plan from http://www.rosehosting.com/virtserv-spec.html?src=hdisc

Only wiredtree is fully managed. I do not know anything about server management. I will be running my single blog only with just a wordpress installation.

Any idea which would be better? I just know how to upload the files to the server via ftp just like we do in normal shared hosting.

Thanks for your replies in advance
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I have used jaguarpc and liquidweb with no problems.
sorry not had any dealings with the companies you posted.
If you're going to go with a VPS, based on the info you've shared, I'd recommend a managed solution.
I'll second Steve on that. If you have no experience doing any server management, get a plan that includes the management. You can also go to places like PlatinumServerManagement and hire them for doing server management, but it's best to have it all from one place if you can.

Depending on what the reasons are for the slowdown, that will determine what plan to get. Was the issue CPU related, connection releated, bandwidth or memory? Knowing these details will help you determine the right fit for your business. As suggested by "coolguythampy" it could very well be as simple as the location of the datacenter and the path you're using to get to that location.
You should consider a managed VPS. If you have no experience you should not get a unmanaged VPS.
I would suggest purchasing a managed vps hosting for your needs. What is your budget?
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As suggested by "coolguythampy" it could very well be as simple as the location of the datacenter and the path you're using to get to that location.

coolguythampy is the OP. I think it was Hostmonster who was asking him for a traceroute. From their end, the server probably appears to be working within the normal parameters.

From my end, the page loaded in 11.72 seconds, 368KB, 65 requests (files). Longer than desirable, but somewhat comparable to this very forum, on a one post thread page: 14.8 sec, 389KB, 75 requests.

The number of files on the page has a significant influence, as well as the distance to my place (some 10000 km).
Has your host offered to investigate the slow loading of your site? Your main page is loading pretty quick for me. A traceroute to your IP is taking 31ms. We run a number of wordpress blogs off shared hosting with no speed troubles. Ask them to check things out for you before moving. As for VPS, do not get an umanged VPS solution if you don't have a clue about server management. A VPS still has to be treated as a dedicated server that needs to be fully secured and software patches applied as needed, also comes with a steep learning curve.

There are many VPS options, here's a few:

And many more... do your research and choose a provider that can do some hand holding, there are differing levels of VPS management.

Best of Luck,
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They told me its an ISP problem. I asked a HOSTGATOR rep (No typo I mean hostgator itself) if i would face the same issue if i hosted with them. Then they gave one of their IP's and asked me to do a traceroute. After i gave them that here is there reply

Ok, the issue actually appears to be related to your ISP combined with the amount of hops you're having to traverse to get to the US. As you can see you have over 400MS at the los angeles border router, and then additional packetloss which is beyond our control Our sites load quick for most users around the world but this appears to be an issue with your local route. You may wish to look for hosting localized to your area if you require ultra fast latency times as you're 22 hops out from our servers and perhaps hosting locally in India would be more ideal for you. I'm sorry that you're having these issues but this is really something that is not in our control, and I would suggest contacting your ISP to see perhaps why the latency is so bad at that border router.

They told me its an ISP problem. I asked a HOSTGATOR rep (No typo I mean hostgator itself) if i would face the same issue if i hosted with them. Then they gave one of their IP's and asked me to do a traceroute. After i gave them that here is there reply

Well yes, coupled with the relatively high number of files, the influence of latency will multiply, and end up influencing the total page load time significantly. Contacting your ISP and asking them to investigate is fair advice.

Is your audience local? If it isn't, the fact that the site loads slow for you can be considered of limited importance, as long as it loads decently for them.
Yeah, if your the only one being affected it should not concern you that much. But, if it affects everyone then you have a big problem on your hands. I hope you get it resolved.
use managed VPS or Reseller instead,i think Reseller plan would be better for you if you don't know how to work with server, also Reseller is cheaper
The VPS market is just as cluttered with hosts that popup for a night and are gone the next. Do your research to make sure you do not get scammed out of your money!
Right now I have a VPS with ServInt - and they have been pretty reliable in terms of uptime and quality. They are managed and take care of any technical issues you may have. If you do decide to use them let me know in a PM, maybe I can get a referral :P