Which RedHat version is most secure?

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now which RedHat version is most secure?
I've heard 6.2 is more secure than 6.1, but Dialtone still offers 6.1.... I spoke to a rep and they said it was more stable??

Or would you pick 7.2?
Or some other version?

Please participate in the poll and post your explination here :)
6.1 is most stable but its not the most up to date so many hosts still will use 7.2 becuz its the most recent.
security :)

a newer version will always be more stable - best to stay almost current - so you find out bugs and get patches 1 rev back - the trailblazers always get the arrows in them. but - security is really dependent on how you set it up and secure it. an older system can be more secure than a newer verision depeding on conifg the admin sets up.
I'd say RedHat Linux 7.3, a lot of hosts prefer using it since there are not as many bugs, and the newer 8.0 is very new as such and is also quite buggy.

It all just depends, although I'd say personally to stick with 7.3 - I do and have no troubles! :D
7.2 all the way.

From what I have seen, most improvements in later versions ie: 7.3 and up really concentrated on the graphical interfaces and the support for it, which has shown much improvement.

But for most admins in linux, we are mainly all shell (text mode) users, so he improvment doesnt really benefit us too much.
Well, what Cephren said is totally correct.

Although, I think all companies are going to upgrade to RedHat
Linux 9 pretty soon, for the simple reason that RedHat isn't
supporting their older versions unfortunately.
version depends on aps used

it really depends on which apps you are using and what they work best with. like cpanel is still best with 7.3 - however if youa re just using apache and send mail - go to 8'
True about cPanel still being best with 7.3, but a lot of companies
are now only offering nine - due to it is a lot newer, and the fact
that RedHat are stopping support for 7.3, a shame I know, but
you gotta face the facts - and that's you'll have to convert sooner
or later!
I recommend 7.3 or 9.0. 7.3 is very secure and stable. 9.0 is proving to be just as secure and stable with some added functionality and more up-to-date, not to mention that pre-9.0 will be EOL come 2004.
Yes, the majority of servers are installed with RedHat Linux 9.0
nowadays. A lot are still 8.0 or 7.3, but the majority the choice.

All my new servers come with 9.0 instead of 7.3, like all older
servers. I've never used 8.0 so cannot comment on it really.
7.3 is still distributed and recognized as common, even though the EOL will be approachin in December (don't even get me started there;)).

9.0 is allright, though I won't support anything past 7.3 personally (doesn't mean I don't and won't work with them, but I won't use them myself). There have been too many problems and "political" changes in redhat since then.
I always go with the new version because they have the most security and features added on :) So currently on 8x :)