Which is the best Sitebuilder

While we offer some, our main conclusion of the most common sitebuilders was that nothing is very impressive. Nowadays there are custom wordpress templates for a low price that give you more and better functionality...
While we offer some, our main conclusion of the most common sitebuilders was that nothing is very impressive. Nowadays there are custom wordpress templates for a low price that give you more and better functionality...

That is why we dont pay for service like RVsitebuilder. we offer site.pro which is free to us as a host and clients have a choice if they use it to either use it free or upgrade to a paid plan
Many hosting provider provide site builder in C- Panel Or you can use another website builder like Wix and Wordpress they both are best.
I see a lot of my friends ( who had websites before I offered web hosting ) use Weebly. I've also personally tested it and it is good and simple.

RvSiteBuilder is also really good too!
Personally I like the flexibility WordPress offering to us now days, very good and wide range of plug-ins, fast and easy to learn. That's at least my personal opinion.
Wordpress is a Content Management System and NOT a sitebuilder

I am sorry, I forgot to mention, yes - in order for it to play a role of a solid, friendly site builder, you have to use site-builder module, some are free and very easy to use. I know, since I have personally tried those my self. Frankly speaking, while it's bit less friendly, even without special plugin/module, WordPress could be a great sitebuilder, since it really is allows you to build a complete web site, without coding knowledge and using wide range of free themes available for it. So while WordPress it self is not officially a sitebuilder product, it does allow you to accomplish what potentially sidebuilder would allow you to.

If you are looking for standalone site builder, not part of a CMS system (aka wordpress), i did really like this solution:

Many of their basic features are free to use, if you agree to go ahead with a sponsorship banner at the bottom of your web site.
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