which is better: FatCow or Yahoo?


New member
We've narrowed our search down to Yahoo and FatCow but we're having trouble deciding which will be better to use in the long run for ease of design, professionalism, reliability and other user issues. Anyone have experience with both and can give honest feedback about which is better?
Would help if we knew what parameters you used to narrow your search down to these two providers. What was your thought process? I've never used either, but do know others who have, and don't think you'll go wrong with either - depending on your requirements.
Unfortunately I can only comment on Fatcow, and I have to say that server performance is not up there with that of (some of) their competitors.
What are you using the hosting for? That is what will determine your best choice as you need to layout your needs and find out which provider can fulfill your needs the best. Don't forget to consider your future needs as well.
Never had personal experience with either host but I have read more positive reviews on Fatcow than YAhoo.
Unfortunately, I can not comment on either company because I'm not a fan of overselling so over the years I've stayed away from such companies. Best of luck!
I would recommend looking at some more unbiased hosting reviews try fatcow and yahoo then decide for yourself the most unbiased review is your own.
Just went to fatcow's site, not sure if I ever use a company that offers unlimited diskspace and bandwidth.

I am not sure I would either, esp. since I know its not even possible. No offense, but if they are your only two options, choose neither and start the search over again. There are many other places out there that do not have up front Jazz as I call it, to clutter the minds of soon to be clients with sparkly mumbo jumbo.

(:rolleyes2 that sounded so professional I know)
do yourself a favor...pretend that you have never even heard of fatcow.yes..they over sell there servers to put it nicely, unfortunatly I currently have a site hosted with them..

bloggone dot com
Received responses: 19 Ok 32 Fail
responce time Average: 15.79 sec
through put average: 3.99 KB/sec
currently they have 59 customers on one box/ip

now in contrast this would be a different status from a different site hosted be a different provider

q1hosting dot com
Received responses: 46 ok
responce time Average: 1.54 sec
through put average: 25.45 KB/sec
currently have 4 customers on one box/ip

basicaly...IF you can get to your site.....the speeds will be slower that dail-up...take a look at host-tracker dot com and look for yourself.

sorry to have been posting links on this thread ...but I think it is relevent to the post
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I dont' know much about yahoo as a host company. I can only comment on fatcow. From web host reviews and testimonies from customers i think they are very reliable and cheap.
After your introductory price I know that yahoos price goes way up to like $35 a month I think but watch out for that. But never heard anything else about quality etc for either. Good luck choosing a host.