Which domain extension is more valuable: .NET or .IO?


Staff member
Just noticed "attend.io" sold on Park a couple of days ago for $8,010. A little shocked to be honest.

I own the .net version of the domain and while I've been a fan of .IOs for a number of years, which extension would you value more .io or .net?
I would value more the classical .net as typically the .net is a little more generic than the IO could be.
Although, on the tech / AAAS (anything as a service) niche and similar, the IO could be at least equivalent if not better.
As for value, it goes .com > .net > .io for me. But those .io domains look and sound really cool sometimes. Most of the time, actually.
Same boat for me.... .net over .io - but then again the types of sites I'm on are generally blog or industry articles (aside from a few .dev names)
Basically, both are good. Depend on which application you are going to host. Personally, I like .net than .io.
The nice thing about .io is that they are good for making up the ends of words (not real words obviously but plays on them).

.in and .ly are great for similar reasons. .ly is the TLD for Libya but can be registered by anyone, and .in is the India TLD (not sure if they have any registration requirements).
.io feels like a more popular option for startups and other relatively new websites, whereas the .net suffix feels like something that has been outdated. I personally don't use/see any websites using .net so I'm on the other side of the fence with most people here.
Stackshare, ResearchGate, and php.net are the ones that spring first to my mind.
Stackshare was made in 2014, ResearchGate in 2008, and I couldn't find when php.net was made. Not as old as I thought they were, lmao.

Honestly, .com is still my go-to for site extensions. Pricier–but helps you avoid getting spam-marked by inboxes like gmail and apple mail.
Some extensions like .com are used by default and in most cases we do not even need to use them when mentoring sites.
Other extensions should be named. So as for me that does not really matter.
According to my personal experience. COM extension domains are more valuable than other domain extensions because they are used for commercial purposes and have a higher monetary value.
According to my personal experience. COM extension domains are more valuable than other domain extensions because they are used for commercial purposes and have a higher monetary value.

Surely any domain name only has a higher monetary value if it has a history, reputation and content associated with it?

Or if it is a particularly catchy or clever name, in which case the tld doesn't matter so much.