Which contact support system would you prefer?

I think about clients comfort level and accordingly I will say Live Chat is best as that gives the client updates instantly.

If we give good chat support many issues are solved instantly and thats what all clients love :) "Best support when they want"
I think phone support is great for sales bcoz we talk live to the customers and in this the chances of conversion are also high and combination of ticket and chat is good for support.
Forum would be the way to go if you can ever get the customers involved. They could help each other out on simple issues. next would be a ticket system.
I chose Ticket System, Knowledgebase, Toll Free Phone. Most people do not use the Knowledgebase though but I have found that if you build a good KB it will help you with your tickets. You can have the KB suggest several responses and then you will be able to answer the ticket more efficiently.
Hello ,

I would rate the live chat system and the ticket system. Live chat is always a best key for a success provided you should have knowledgeable techs to work on live chat system , there should be a limit while accepting the no of chats and techs that are working on live chat should have admin access to the servers stuff.

We do it provide it, its my personal experience and I think we are doing a great job with ticket and live chat support too.

just see how it will works. you should get the best results.
Clients find ticket system somewhat disturbing...so some offer Telephone support and messenger support. The idea really is putting yourself in their shoes..customers tend to panic at any instance (I dont blame them though)...and they often post 3 tickets within a gap of 10 minutes just to try to say "HELP!HELP!"...again I dont blame them, but its not good. In case of an emergency offering a telephone and messenger support line really gives them a bit more calm knowing if they are still stressed they can call...so I'd say a mix of all is required for a steady relationship.

Tickets work fine for me however some clients perfer live so I do livechat as well as phone but only the management handles the phonelines as its such a small call vollume.
ticket system is a must to really track what is happening
Live chat is excellent as customers are global and this makes it easiest to chat with people regardless
I have to agree on ticket system with email piping, that's what we do.
And we only provide chat and phone for sales issue.
Email piping to a ticket system and live chat when clarification or discussion is needed.

I prefer a ticket system using a web-based interface for creation and replies with an email notification that the ticket has been created/responded to. Most clients seem to prefer email since it doesn't involve a username or password. However, email is subject to mis-direction into a SPAM folder or being deleted by mistake. Another problem is that clients may use an email account that belongs to the hosting account that is failed, so the email may not be sent or received.
I think ticket system with direct email is the way to go. Forum support systems end up with way to much junk in them and are confusing to find the right answer. Phone and to a lesser extent live chat are hard on reps. While I was doing customer service for cell phones there was a routing issue and my line was getting fed by some escalation line. After de-escalating 35 consecutive calls I asked my supervisor to take me off the phones because if Mother Theresa had called then I would have told her to go to h***. They managed to fix the routing issue while I was scowling up and down the halls and I managed not to say anything that would cost me my job.
I prefer support ticket system. Easy to keep track of. Phone support is taking too much time and money especially customers are not paying much but demand much.