Which backup software you use?


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Which backup software you use?

We use Vembu storegrid and it`s more better then others,also we tested r1soft but vembu storegrid have more options for end user plugins and much more optins for setup.

Also cpremote is good and cheap,for that money he is perfect but offcourse for that money you cannot to except same things what get in vembu storegrid or r1soft.
I don't see the need for it really, just make your own simple script it's a lot cheaper in the end!
We run a cron daily to backup all accounts using linux commands and our users have a built in backup through DirectAdmin.
A third party really is not needed, even learning the commands to set up your backups is easy.
I also do not believe that a backup with a company I know nothing about is really a backup at all.
I agreed with Paul0130. I have experience with R1soft. That is a good backup system application. But cost is bit high.
We provide R1Soft CDP for all client accounts free of charge, however, this service does NOT backup MySQL databases. Therefor we also provide a paid backup addon service that will make a FULL cPanel backup of the account on a daily basis, and then uploads the backup file securely via SSH to an off-site server (max. 7 backup files kept at one point).

Of course clients can always generate their own backups via cPanel at anytime if they so wish to, or use other methods to backup their data as well (e.g - cronjobs, Rsync, ect..) I advice every single one of my clients and recommend them to ALWAYS keep and maintain their own backups, no matter what other precautions are being used, as this will be the safest way to protect your data in the end. :crash:

I prefer to use Rsync for personal sites as this saves much bandwidth and processing power due to only backing up new or modified files. :thumbup:
We carry out daily RSync backups using CPremote to a separate server. we also added a note in the news section of our Root WHM to appear in all cPanels on our servers informing the user they are responsible for their own backups. We also have an addon where our users can pay a small fee a month so they can if they need request a copy of the latest backup made. Only downside with CPremote is if a client requests cancellation is when their account is removed from the server then it also removes the rsync backup from the backup server at the same time.
We have provided R1Soft Backups (with Databases) to our clients for the past 6 years without any major issues. We run an hourly backup for each of our clients and store it for up to 48 hours. Then we run daily and weekly and monthly backups too. Artashes can attest to the power of having hourly backups when the forums here at HD ran into some issues a few years ago!

We have tested Vembu, and we like it, but we OWN r1soft software and the mysql module at this point. Vembu does offer some speed increases when making the backups, and their integration module into cPanel is nice too (as with r1soft).

Along with the regular hourly backups, we also run rsync and cpremove for some of our clients on VPS and Dedicated Servers that don't want to have r1soft.
I use rsync and dedicated server for backup purpose, this dedicated server is very secured as no one has access to it - using the firewall rules I secured access.

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