Heh I guess they don't want my bussiness they havnt even tryed contacting me to activate my account like they said
instead i just got:
Apr 28 2003 14:58 PT
Hello Wayne,
Thank you for contacting Overture.
In response to your recent billing inquiry, we have refunded $50.00 to your MasterCard ending in ####. The refund should be reflected on your next credit card statement.
To view the billing history of your account, please visit the Reports section of our DirecTraffic Center and select the Billing Transaction Detail Report.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of any further assistance. Thank you for choosing Overture!
Kristen Mesfin
Overture Client Services
E-mail Client Services using our Support Request Form
through our Support Center Tab found in DirecTraffic Center®
So for anyone out there that wants to advertise on Overture unless your in the USA or UK you proberly wont get your account activated.