What's your take on Dedipath shutting down?


HD Moderator
Staff member
What's your take on Dedipath shutting down? It sure appears as though lots of their clients are getting raked over the coals.
Whaat!? Certainly unexpected. I was just in communication with their top exec this March, everything seemed fine back then... Did they name the reason for closing their operations?
Never heard of them, but then again I've been out of the game a while. I hope their clients will be taken care of and not left to fend for themselves.
From their email, no reason was given that I could see. A number of their clients are saying they were only given 24 hour notice and some colo clients are facing resistance getting their servers released.
Just a terrible situation to be in for both operator and clients, no matter what happened.
Damn, that is a shame. I hope the situation can come to some resolve and the clients get taken care of. It is a nightmare having to wonder about your files and transferring stuff, especially if on short notice. Never a good situation to be in.
This is not good news for anyone. And a very sober reminder that even in 2023, when things are running a lot more reliably, you can still suddenly see a relatively stable provider shut down with little to no notice.

But it's also telling me that something has been going wrong for a good while. Unless there is a catastrophic accident with things burning down to the ground, it takes time to get to a point of no return.
Very True CanSpace, those provider could of been fine for a while but overtime sales could of slowed down and expenses rose and they tried to stay open as long as they could to make it work. This is why backups are crucial and should be done often to minimize loss.
This is why backups are crucial and should be done often to minimize loss.
I am one of those specimens who preaches backups yet doesn't do it often enough himself. Life is going to teach me a really hard lesson at some point. 😂
I have my server set to take a backup every other day. Sometimes I download one daily but at least I know every other day is secure.
i had my backup server withe then.

I paid a for my month as normal and then 2 days later giving just 24 hrs notice they were closing down. their live chat was showing available, but every time i asked for a refund as just paid for the full month it was suddenly 'Sorry we are not available please leave a message'
i checked as as i am in uk and they had uk customers then they legally had to give 14 days notice.
i started to get emails from others that they had passed customer details onto.
my email arrived 31/08/2023, 11:20

Closure of Business​

Dear Terry,

We will are writing to you regarding your service at DediPath. With a heavy heart we must announce that DediPath will be discontinuing operations effective 8/31/23. Please migrate your data and take backups as soon as possible.

In regards to our colocation customers if you are in the following locations please send a ticket to support@flexential.com for equipment removal:
Las Vegas

In regards to our colocation customers if you are in the following location please send a ticket to support@sabey.com for equipment removal:

In regards to our colocation customers if you are in the following locations please send a ticket to support@path.net for equipment removal:

In regards to our colocation customers if you are in the following locations please send a ticket to support@evocative.com for equipment removal:
Redondo Beach
San Jose

If you have a domain registered with us please transfer it out ASAP.

We are truly sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. We appreciate your business and support over the years and this is heart breaking to everyone at DediPath.

That is just lousy and unprofessional. At minimum it should of been a 30-day notice. Give clients plenty of time to transfer their files and any hardware they were hosting with them. Very upsetting.
We had 7 servers with them, and fortunately we didn't get anymore or were going to expand with them, but we prepaid for servers and were dead out of the water for a little bit. We did pay with PayPal and have been able to recover most of the funds so far, with a couple claims left to win. They are completely unresponsive.
A lot of game servers transferred to us. A bit sad to see that happening but sometimes you need to take the right decision before it's too late.
A lot of game servers transferred to us. A bit sad to see that happening but sometimes you need to take the right decision before it's too late.
That is true, but a short notice like this is not the way to do it. I stand by 30-day notice minimum for something this big.
Yeah when DC providers shutdown it is sad and difficult. I mean when they shutdown they don't even give enough time for their customers to come in and pull their equipment out. It so sad how these providers are at the end of the day.

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