What's the deal with Enom?


New member
Maybe someone can answer this for me.I know there's various types of enom accounts. Some allow you to buy domains at 7.95,others at 8.95 and so on. I also know that there are different levels of cash to be deposit for these different levels of accounts. I often see people selling "7.95 enom account"s and so on. I never fully understood this. How do you know if an account you are buying is legit?

Also, lets say that now you have an account. Obviously you need to build a website to take the orders. How do you go about integrating the site with the account. Are there places that sell premade scripts for this purpose? Can someone point me to a good resource for this information?

DRAMS seems to be the predoen script of choice.

As to if the a/c is legit - can be difficult to tell

1. get the name / contact details of teh ETP (top level enom a/c holder) under whom the sub account is managed
2. get a list of all the prices for all teh domain extensiosn, regsiter/renew/transfer - sometime the prices for renewals etc are not as good
3. ask / serach about the person selling it

Safest is to stump us teh $ and get a real one direct from enom
Note you *cannot* create accounts sub 8.95 with enom anymore, so evetually all these 7.95 accounts will vanish, and tehre are lots of "unusual" redemption schemes associated with some

Cheapest place I found was on Ebay. If you are worried if the account being sold is legit you can email previous customers.
There are now several layers to eNoms reseller program.

No eNom reseller can create an account below $8.95 except for DRAMS & ModernBill as these 2 companies have a special deal where they can but we are not allowed to say more...

eNom directly now "sells" their reseller accounts at varying pricing structures, $8.95, 7.95 and 6.95. They are truly all free except that the better account require a larger deposit up front. Your deposit instantly credits to the amount of domains you have available to register.

The best way to get an account is to go through eNom, DRAMS or ModernBill. Any account will require a minimum initial deposit of $100 to begin registering domains via the base line price, otherwise you will incur a processing fee of 0.95 + 3.5% per transaction and will have to pay by CC.

Some people still have accounts that were created before the restriction on pricing, these accounts will already have a pre-selected username. It's usually hard to verify these accounts until after you have purchased one, unless the seller is willing to give you the username so that you may contact eNom and verify the pricing.