Whats the best app for site design?


New member
I used to use an old version of dreamweaver for a long time but just got dreamweaver mx.
Its very good, a few changes to it from the older version i had, the main thing was the GUI has changed quite a bit, everything has been moved around and given the xp makeover.
I used a free program a few months ago that someone gave me the site for and it was really good, cant remember the site now but i would have recommended that to anyone..
Something like Steve's Sitebuilder but i cant really remember
As soon as i get dreamweaver, or another good program i will be able to make some desent templates =).
But just using FireWorks MX can produce some good templates.
yeah fireworks is very good but its a lot better if you have dreamweaver to use a long with it.
means you can put your sites created in fireworks into HTML pages using dreamweaver.
Think the best package for designing sites would be photoshop for all images and dreamweaver for the layout and HTML.
It can be very expensive though to buy all programs, thats why you should always check a demo first incase it doesnt do everything you want
Well, I just got Adobe Photoshop 7 about 2 weeks ago..
So I no longer really use FireWorks. Hopefully i can get DreamWeaver soon.
Seeing what DreamWeaver MX is capable of, your probably right, DreamWeaver for layouts and goodies.
If you can do graphics and you have dreamweaver your well set on making a great site.
I find images very difficult to do but find doing layouts is ok.
Especially with dreamweaver which is very easy
Ok, i got dreamweaver now, and am a little fuzzy with it =)..
Anyone know a site that was made with dreamweaver, and post the URL?
I would say a very large number of sites are created with dreamweaver.
its one of the most commonly used programs for site design
Well it seems like a good program, and I like its html editing ability.
I am limited to using only html and no php, jsp or anything good for a while.
Fun to play with.
I would like to setup a database of hosts to have on this site at a later stage.
You will be able to search for hosts by what they offer.
There are a number of hosts which provide free plans with PHP, try this site to search - Webhosts4free
That should help you out :)
Your best bet is to find a small hosting company that offers smallish plans and you should get more features.
Some require you to place a banner but others dont require anything
Your best bet is to find a small hosting company that offers smallish plans and you should get more features.
Some require you to place a banner but others dont require anything

... hmmm, John I wonder where you could find some sort of custom-hosting company LoL
