What level of support do you offer customers?

I have been thinking about this for a while because I think a lot of my customers want a lot of support which I consider just as an extra and being helpful to them.
Because I use live chat for support some of my customers ask me a lot of questions every day. For a lot of these I have to look up the information myself, like a forum not work after a modification for example.
Its just as easy for them to find the solution as me and I don’t think getting a few of these kind of questions everyday is really the level of support most hosts offer. A lot of the time I just don’t have the time to research problems like this when there are support tickets on server related problems etc.
What level of support do you offer to customers for script they have installed?
If you let customers install scripts from your control panel, do you support the scripts? If not, do you let the customers know first?
Does anyone here provide 24/7 support? If so, how many support techs do you have in total? Do the others help customers as much as you do?
Do you train your other support staff to ensure they offer the same level and quality of support to your customers as you?
I don’t have many resellers as I focus mainly on shared accounts for anyone that does offer reseller accounts, what level of support do you provide to resellers? Do you ever support their clients directly? I don’t think that’s a good idea unless it’s something you advertise/offer.
Last, but not least, do you have set hours for billing support? Most companies have this, even if they offer 24/7 support.
Sorry for so many questions but I’m not sure if some people can answer not only will it help me, but a lot of others as I’m sure other people have thought about some of the points I’m mentioned
maybe you should try to use a support forums that other client member can help you with the question. That what my job is doing now
What is your job?
Forums are a very good place for customer - on - customer support, it can really cut down on support requests but its also a lot of work to get started, then you have to moderate it quite a bit
My job is psot on all the forums & answer all the forums on my site plus little tech support
hostthebest said:
maybe you should try to use a support forums that other client member can help you with the question. That what my job is doing now

Yeah, I agree, you could also post FAQ's there, that will also cut down on the support requests.
For 24/7 support try www.ehostcare.com
I think they will handle scripts/3rd party application support.

The lowest plan is 10 tickets for $20.00 per month.