What is your favorite backup method?

Manual backup - pack all files, dump a database, download both for storage.

Automated systems provided by hosting companies are nice, but I never trust them. I always download a backup (at least once a month) and test the backup. eCommerce sites we download weekly, along with having daily backups (with one account having a backup made every 4 hours).
Manual backup - pack all files, dump a database, download both for storage.

Automated systems provided by hosting companies are nice, but I never trust them. I always download a backup (at least once a month) and test the backup. eCommerce sites we download weekly, along with having daily backups (with one account having a backup made every 4 hours).

I agree.

The problem is getting those that make manual backups to understand it is not good making a manual backup and saving it on then server hosting the website as if the server goes down you also lose the backup

There are multiple methods for backups.

1. R1soft
2. cPremote
3. Jetbackups

All the above backup methods are good one and has been in this industry for years. You can select it as per your requirement.
cPremote is mainly for cPanel webhosting environment. r1soft can be installed on any servers to take the backups.
Suggest some backup methods for the website

First of all, it depends on what you are trying to achieve, the type of backups you need, the type of access, and if there is any control panel on the server.
- If the server is under some control panel(like Plesk, cPanel) you can simply configure backups to do automatically. Upon finishing simply push all backups on some FTP or download manually. Such type of backups allows to quickly restore necessary files or databases. As well this can be done on the server-wide side and do backups of all hosted accounts.

- if you need a full backup of the server and be able to perform "bare metal restore", then such software as r1soft can suit your needs. In such a case, you can restore the entire server with all configuration, etc

- If you are running some cloud-based server, this can be done by various backup utilities(like Veeam, etc).

So as mentioned, it all depends on the server type you are running and what exactly you want to achieve.
I perform both automated backup and manual back up. I manually backup my sites and my databases at least once a month.
Which control panel you're using?
I use cPanel, I take backup manually,
cPanel to cloud
cPanel to Google Drive
cPanel to Mega.NZ
I also direct download backup files with database (Phpmyadmin) to the local computer
I'd strongly suggest a weekly manual backup if not monthly regardless if the hosting provider does automatic backup just for piece of mind.

We currently send out backups via SFTP to a small server hosted in Microsoft Azure which then also automatically backs up to our GoogleDrive account.

We use to directly backup to GoogleDrive when using cPanel but you are unable to do this via Directadmin so the above is our workaround. We also have to manually remove backups on a monthly basis whereas cPanel handled backup rotation within GoogleDrive too.
Used to be jetbackup, but they've proven rather unreliable, so I started doing stuff myself
It looks like v5 might be heading towards stable, so maybe I'll give that a shot

The performance backup method depends on the situation of the site.
If there are no permanent changes on the site, then one copy per week is enough, but if the information is permanently added, then it is better to choose the daily backup method.
we have automated backups in cpanel and later we download these backups to our local server instead of online servers. This cuts the cost to have an online drive as our backups are large.
Lots of people are talking about monthly backups, but that seems incredibly infrequent if the site has any kind of dynamic content at all.

We back up everything on all the sites we host every 12 hours (not all at the same time if they are on shared servers obviously) and once every 24 hours rsync a copy over to a server a few countries away (we are in Europe so the countries are small :))

We also install our favourite backup plugin on any WP sites we manage, which again backs up twice a day (at different times again), and stores a copy both locally and on another remote server.

If we have a client with a busy and highly dynamic site then we will sometimes run incremental backups more frequently than that.
I like to have daily snapshots of all our VMs, that's not website technically but they can be mounted and files / databases moved as needed. For everyday backups this is through imunify > Acronis. Went that route as love the option of imunify being able to clean an infection and grab clean files from backup as it needs. Also being able to run the backups as a VM can be pretty handy.
JetBackup is great if usng cPanel but the "Linux" version missing some important features such as S3 support. Overall though pretty good used it for a few years, but completely ditched cPanel now so.

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