What is the best forum? vBulletin Vs Invision Vs phpbb

This thread is interesting since it's from 2004. Lots of things have changed (phpBB is a security horror, IPB is now pay, etc.).

I'd like to throw out SMF (simple machines forum). Extremely easy to use for a free solution. I've migrated all of my phpBB forums to SMF and haven't looked back.
I have worked with SMF a little for a client. It has looked like a good product from what I have seen. This was just a small forum I was setting up for the client though and I havent seen what it's like when very busy.
Matthew said:
I have worked with SMF a little for a client. It has looked like a good product from what I have seen. This was just a small forum I was setting up for the client though and I havent seen what it's like when very busy.

I have SMF running with over 6000 members on a site I own. So far so good :)
Another vote for SMF - we use it on multiple projects - some for the sake of scaleability and some for the sake of flexibility/extensibility and it works in all cases.


If your starting off and the forum isn't bringing in any revenue, you should consider using phpBB and then buying vB. The data/users can be transferred over.

I would hope that vB is better than the rest because people pay for it...so they have no reason to not be the best (not saying they are...just saying they should be).

I love phpBB, first of all it's free. secondly with little php & HTML knowledge, I can change according to my need plus lots of free plug-ins available for phpBB.
I used to prefer Invision. But now I like both vBulletin and Invision. Not really sure which I like better though. vB does have some pretty cool stuff so I guess it is probably my favorite but its very close. I've never been much of a fan of phpBB but I tried that only once a long time ago. So my opinion is probably a little off.
phpBB is bloated and I know some people like it but it's attacked all the time, patching gets to be a hassle etc. For free I recommend SMF :thumbup:

If you are doing to Pay it's Fusion hands down. Don't know what so many people aren't flocking to it, great functionality "out of the box" very reasonable pricing and the easiest administration/customization of anything ever built. :thumbsup:

PS: The theme they use on their site "default" is about the ugliest of their stock themes...just IMHO
I would choose Invision over all those, i never had a good time with vBulletin. Free would be SMF or PHPBB, those are really good too also.
Fusion beats them all. :thumbup:
SO much easier to administrate and customize. I don't know why don't see it listed in posts like this.

Many of the latest "improvements" to VB a couple of years back were made in response to Fusion even though it was less than a year old when VB realized there was a "new game in town" and they better catch up and offer some of those features or lose out.
Fusion still has the best back end, permissions/group sets admin, as well as MPP (from the people who first invented MPP) and easiest photo management and editing of sidebars, headers, footers, inserts & such for ease of updating, advertising, or customization.