What I am looking for...

Jeremy Ross

New member

I am looking for some space for my tutorial site, here are my requirements:

Space: 50MB
Bandwidth: 1GB
I also would like PHP, 2 MySQL Databases, a few addon domains as well would be great so for when I do get a real domain. I do have a domain of http://www.jeremy.uni.cc just for now.

I am looking for this for free right now, will provided advertising.

I will upgrade as soon as I get the money to, but I just cannot afforded it right now.

Jeremy Ross
I think that G2-Hosting.Com could do that for you. You can contact me directly at G2-Hosting.Com. We can discuss it furthur, and if we can meet each others demands, then the accounts department can get started on creating your account.

You can contact me directly at brandon@g2-hosting.com
i would be happy to sponsor you for free space on our high performance servers (intel xeon 2.4 processors, 10,000 rpm disks)

we offer a lot of added value services that other hosts are not able to supply such as urchin websits ($600 value) fantastico ($100) and miva ($600), all included as standard!

we have 13 gigabit connections to the internet! - BEST CONNECTED DATACENTER IN THE WORLD

to signup for you free sponsored hosting to to


all we ask is a small text link

any questions please contact me on nick@enginehost.com
