What do you use yours for?


New member
What do you mainly use your dedicated server for?
Eg. reselling, shared accounts, IRC server, gaming server etc.
Why do you use it for that?
Is it for profit reasons or because you have most experience in that area?
We, at THB, have two dedicated boxes, one for webhosting and a separate for Shells. Actually to be technical, we have three, another for BNC's.
I mainly have my servers up to gain experience, get the name out and hopefully turn it into a full time career when I finish getting my college degree.

I have 2 boxes up dedicated to hosting, 1 up for ircds/gaming and another one which is my experimenting box.
We use our dedicated servers for shared hosting, gaming servers and many other things related to the web hosting industry and some educational :)

<< What do you mainly use your dedicated server for? Eg. reselling, shared accounts, IRC server, gaming server etc. Why do you use it for that? Is it for profit reasons or because you have most experience in that area? >>

My company offers shared hosting, will offer reseller hosting and of course, as you know John, will offer dedicated servers. ;)
Currently all servers are for shared hosting. Although, I plan to be getting a lot of servers when I start selling dedicated servers.

Yes, it's mainly for profit reasons. Of course, everything is for money. ;)