What do you do with profit?


New member
What do you do with the profit after your bills are paid? Do you go buy some things you would like to have? Do you put it back into the company? What do you do?
Well I put a certain percentage into my company and then I invest with another certain percentage and the rest would be my monthly pay. To me the hosting industry is my full time job :)
We have a little system worked out.

Ill go into detail on this :)

We take the total net income at the end of each month, deduct our monthly expenses, turn 20% into company profit, take 5% and put it into profit sharing (every quarter of the year we divide the extra 5% made each month among the people that work with us as a little bonus) then the remaining 75% of the profit is turned over to employee payroll.

For all you legit businesses get ready for those damn W2 tax forms!!! I hate them
I never take the money out myself, always put it back into something.
Normally put it back into the business but somtimes I would put it into oneof my sites (Like HT for example :))
I dont get it...if you guys dont take the money for yourselves then what is the real reason you have a hosting company...is it like a part time business then?
Im always putting it back into something Rahul and I get income from other things I do on the net.
I do quite a lot on the net, mainly running websites, some of which I own and my sites are my interested, which is why I normally put some money into them at least :)