What Are the Key Performance and Feature Considerations When You Choose a Server?


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Hello everyone,

As we all know, choosing the right server for your needs is a critical decision that can impact performance, cost, and scalability. Whether you're managing a small website, running a cloud service, or supporting a large-scale enterprise, understanding which server features and performance factors matter most can make a significant difference in overall success.

What features or performance characteristics do you typically prioritize when selecting a server?:love:
One of the main considerations we have been taking into account recently is working with suppliers who we can grow with. Hardware is constantly changing, and if a server provider isn't able to offer us the configurations or hardware we need, then how can we even keep up with competitors? Working with a supplier who meets our demands is now a huge consideration for us.

Next on the list is probably scalability, and how we can grow in the future. Again, going back to the 'supplier we can grow with', what other services do they offer that we can later utilise? If a location is successful then we may want to look at colocating our own kit in future, so is this something they offer?

There's also a few others such as how long have they been in business, their reputation, upstream providers, latency to key locations, how responsive they are during initial talks as this is a good indication on their support response times, how do they represent themselves online - does it seem as though they go above and beyond for their customers?

I think all of those points are something I never considered when I wasn't running a business and was just renting servers for personal use - it used to be a case of if the server met my specs and price point then I was happy, but when your own business is built around suppliers then all this becomes very important.
The winning formula for choosing a server

1. Technical support
2. Hosting companies have their own data centers
3. Prices
4. Server Characteristics
5. Uptime servers

These 5 points can be considered the most important, of course, there is also the location of the servers and much more, but it is these five that are the most important and worth following.
I don't put nearly as much importance on Hosting Companies That Own Their Own Data Centers. I've worked in a number of data centers so I've seen this industry from the inside out since 1996.
I usually look for reliability and speed nothing's worse than downtime. I also keep an eye on scalability, so I can grow without a hitch.