Website Migration

Only by using rsync or FTP, otherwise it would be better to use a backup and restore on the new server.
Even if it was possible i would not advise it not only because you must have backups but also because any other way has a chance to corrupt your data.
If your site is purely HTML and not dynamic then this is easily done.

If you are running a CMS like WordPress then you will need a backup of the files and a database dump.
I am not sure if there is any other way to transfer. But if you have any other way, you should ignore without backup. Cause arising problems during migration is a very common issue.
Is there any way to migrate a live website from one server to another without taking any backup?

Yes it is possible ...I done this few times for clients who couldn't generate backups....there are few ways to do it..SCP,FTP, can just download all files with FTP and than upload it on other server...But it can be pain in the a** if you have big site and you're on crappy shared hosting with slow DL/UL...and ofcourse you will have to export database manualy also(if you have database)
Another thing would to check if your host has Softaculous, as you can use this tool to take a backup, and if your destination host has Softaculous you can import it. If it doesn't you'll find a dump of the database and all your files in the backup, which wouldn't be too hard for someone determined to restore.
Another thing would to check if your host has Softaculous, as you can use this tool to take a backup, and if your destination host has Softaculous you can import it. If it doesn't you'll find a dump of the database and all your files in the backup, which wouldn't be too hard for someone determined to restore.

Well users mostly ask this question if they go above the quota and there is no files that they can delete without breaking in their case backup generation of any kind is not option since all backup generation files should be stored in user home directory and control panels or scripts like softaculous can't make backups..even if backup it self will be stored externaly it first have to be generated inside user home directory than copied...I have done these migration few times for users...
And few times I found out that user had backups..just old and since it was placed in home directory deleting it I made some room for new one..and i could use cpanel/plesk migrating tool(depending which hosting package user buy) BUT in some cases there was no work around had to be done via FTP,SCP,rSync..etc and in all cases FTP was our tool to use.
Now I don't know is this the case here ...these are just some situation when users could find themself in situation without any option to generate backup file/s....
But when this happen they should check HOME,Above HTTDOCS,Above WWW or how it is named(this directory is one level higher than domain root directory like public_html ,httdocs,www)and look for old archive backups and also check is trash directory empty....if they have old backup than deleting it they can make room for new one
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Well users mostly ask this question if they go above the quota and there is no files that they can delete without breaking in their case backup generation of any kind is not option since all backup generation files should be stored in user home directory and control panels or scripts like softaculous can't make backups..even if backup it self will be stored externaly it first have to be generated inside user home directory than copied...I have done these migration few times for users...
And few times I found out that user had backups..just old and since it was placed in home directory deleting it I made some room for new one..and i could use cpanel/plesk migrating tool(depending which hosting package user buy) BUT in some cases there was no work around had to be done via FTP,SCP,rSync..etc and in all cases FTP was our tool to use.
Now I don't know is this the case here ...these are just some situation when users could find themself in situation without any option to generate backup file/s....
But when this happen they should check HOME,Above HTTDOCS,Above WWW or how it is named(this directory is one level higher than domain root directory like public_html ,httdocs,www)and look for old archive backups and also check is trash directory empty....if they have old backup than deleting it they can make room for new one

Exactly! Or whenever their host doesn't support the backup system of any sort. It's also common In website builder based hosts, such as weekly or Wix. In any case, the question for the author:

What kind of host are you using and why wouldn't you want to move your website without a backup?

It's by all means possible if you have full access to the FTP (or other form of file manager) to of the server. This way you could move all the files by downloading them individually. Just like the previous replies have suggested.
And just to add..for pure HTML/CSS/JS websites can be just copied or downloaded from outside without any server access,since all code is exposed website can be copied or downloaded in full.
Best, and recommended method is: make a backup and upload to the new server. Update the DNS and only after the propagation is completed delete the old account.
Best, and recommended method is: make a backup and upload to the new server. Update the DNS and only after the propagation is completed delete the old account.

yes and after placing the files on new server always make some sort of symbol or typo that only you will spot on the homepage of the files on the new server and then keep checking the website to see if this shows up and when it does then this tells you that your site is fully migrated so you can go ahead and remove the files from old server.
If your using wordpress then yes you can do this very easily by using plugin to transfer from 1 wordpress to another wordpress. hope that help

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