Webmaster Forum For Sale

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New member
Name: YourAdHost Forums

URL: www.YourAdHost.com

Description: This forum was started back about 2 years ago. This domain was originally owned by another owner. They bought the domain name, but never really got it started.

I had bought it off them and started a forum. It was initially ONLY on web hosting, however it soon branched off into different genres. Topics such as: Hosting, SEO, Marketing, Business related issues etc.. etc...

It's got quite a lot of content and members over the past 2 years.
I've made a bit through ads on the forums, just enough to cover hosting/domain/vB costs.

Domain History: YourAdHost (Domain Age: 1 year 11 months 4 weeks)

Awstats for the forums will be posted or sent on request.

Number of pages that are indexed:
1,920 Google
1,409 Yahoo
1,420 AltaVista
1,420 AllTheWeb

Page Rank: 2

136 backlinks from vbulletin.org forums.
664 backlinks combined from vbulletin.com, theadminzone, webhostingtalk, digitalpoint, securitybind, sslayers forums.

Number of backlinks currently
Google: 292
Yahoo: 496
AltaVista: 1,900
AllTheWeb: 1,880

Reason for sale: I'm getting involved with bigger projects in the next month away from the internet. I find that I don't have enough time dedicated to this forum due to work related reasons.

I wish I could spend more time towards it, because it has a lot of potential and gets quite a few hits, along with tons of content. However, I just can't manage enough time for it. I've tried and
work has been a bit more important to me.

This forum can and is going to do very well, but it needs someone, who has more time and dedication with running a forum. So I'm hoping it goes to the right person.

It's great if you want to run your OWN forum, or just merge it with your current forum. Either way your gaining members and lots of content to use.

What's included: All posts, threads, members etc... The WHOLE Forum database, domain name (YourAdHost.com), custom forum skin, all files, pretty much everything
you see there is included.

The only thing not included is the vbulletin license.

If you do want the vB license.. we can work out a seperate price for it. Since vbulletin license prices have been raised in the last 3 months, I am thinking of selling it for the price I bought it at that time in the past.

YourAdHost.com is running an owned vB Licence. At the moment it is an expired vB license. It will need a renewal fee for the year, before it can be transfered to a new user; as per vbulletin guidelines.

Price: Bidding starts at $110
All bid increments must be at least $10 more than the previous bid.

BIN Price is set at 700$

Contact: If you are interested or have any more questions, please feel free to post or pm me.

Thanks for your time.

PS: I will be ending this almost one week from now. Tuesday, Sept 09 @ midnight PST.

Person with the highest offer/bid will take it.

I may extend the auction till the 10th, if needed.

Here are some stats to show proof of traffic.




Start bid still at $110.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask anytime.

Thanks. :)
New Update: If I do not get an offer or bid by tonight, I will have to close this sale early.

I'd like to sell it, if possible.
However, if I don't get any interest in it, than I'll just end up developing it even further.

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