Web hosting

Below points should be look while choosing web hosting.
1. Decide how much hand-holding you'll need.
2. Estimate the amount of traffic you expect
3. Understand server types
4. Choose a portable content management system to avoid lock-in
5. Own your domain name.
It should cover your needs

A good professional hosting provider must have unlimited domain hosting so that customers can have the number of domains they want for their business or web without limits, should have a broad bandwidth (at least 50 GB), must have a disk space of at least 1GB to have a minimum power enough to handle BBDD, should offer the opportunity to create your own contact so that users can contact via the web with you, must offer a CPanel with which to manage the hosting itself.
I think you need to check before buying web hosting.
Disk Space
Price of Webhosting
Website Requirement
Customer support
cPanel/Pleask/Custom cPanel: Web hosting Control panel

.Bandwidth + Storage
.Technical support-Your provider should have a good, solid reputation for their support department. You should be able to speak with a real person 24/7 no matter what.
.Features and add-ons such as regular data storage and domain privacy.
.Control panel and user interface.
.Room to grow your website.
.Multiple servers to ensure that you and your site are protected.
.Check prices of their plans, customer support and features of a web hosting company.
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