Volunteers Needed


New member
Hello Hosting Discussion i hope we can put the past behind and move on like Hosting Discussion has ie new datacenter :)

i am looking for Volunteers to help out with 123gohost.net, the reasson why i say Volunteers is becuase i don't have a lot of money to pay for paid staff as yet :)

i hope there are some people that will be willing to help thankyou all

please PM me or email me

Are you looking for them to mow your lawn, do your dishes, or support your customers? Can you at least post what they would be doing?

Exon said:
Are you looking for them to mow your lawn, do your dishes, or support your customers? Can you at least post what they would be doing?

i am looking for people who have knowledge with sales and advertsign and maybe a bit of knowledge with support.

thankyou once again

123gohost said:
i am looking for people who have knowledge with sales and advertsign and maybe a bit of knowledge with support.

thankyou once again

Hmmm...it means that you want other people to run your ENTIRE business (advertise, sales & support...that's the complete business cycle) for FREE (volunteers). And you just want to reap the profits? I think, for a brand new hosting company (like your's), ONE PERSON is just sufficient to manage all the things at startup. And later, you can employ somebody when you start getting a big income. And, if you do not have enough expertise for providing support (as you said in your post), you should consider outsourcing (or contracting) an external support provider for this task. But, its NOT fair at all to expect everything & pay for nothing. :forK: