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Do any of you know of a very inexpensive voicemail service? I am not out of the office very often however when I am I have had several missed calls and apparently my answer machine has quit. I'd rather not buy another one if I have other options that are affordable. $5 a month-ish or so?
Check with your phone company. Most of them offer an add-on service for just such a thing.

Also, check out Skype. They offer a service for $3/month, or on the pay as you go plan. They have voicemail in there for you.
It disappointed me that google voice A. Doesn't offer toll free numbers, B. blocks calls from certain locations, and C. Announces that you're using google voice and provides no apparent way to turn that off
Check with your phone company. Most of them offer an add-on service for just such a thing.

Also, check out Skype. They offer a service for $3/month, or on the pay as you go plan. They have voicemail in there for you.

I am sure this will make me look naive but I had no idea our local office offered voicemail. The plan we are currently on offers it for just $4 a month for a 20 message limit or $12 for a 400 message limit box. I think as long as I keep the messages erased then we can make do with the $4 add.
It disappointed me that google voice A. Doesn't offer toll free numbers, B. blocks calls from certain locations, and C. Announces that you're using google voice and provides no apparent way to turn that off

I use Google Voice and it doesn't announce anything. If I didn't tell them, no one would know I'm using Google Voice. From my understanding Google Voice is for personal use only at this point, and I don't know of anyone using a toll free number for personal calls :) Like many currently do, you can always just forward your toll free number.
I put my name on the list for Google Voice the other day. I wasn't given an approximate wait time however many have told me to expect a minimum of one to two months. I can only imagine that at some point they will start charging a fee for their service.
What's the deal with Google Voice? I've been hearing bits here and there but haven't researched it at all. I"m not really very interested in switching to it. I think you're right, Fellow, that they'll eventually begin charging.
I think maybe if you aren't relying on it as your main solution then it may be a good choice. I know there are some nice benefits to it as well. Google it and the link will pull up, I can't remember it right off tonight.
I'm using GoogleVoice ATM and love it :) I'd send a few invites out there but either they didn't give me any, or I just can't find where they are :(