Viux hosting


New member
Hello everyone,

Looking for any reference about this company. Their site looks great ( ), as well as their reseller plans. Apparently they have been in business for a while, however there are a couple of strange things in their site: the users forum is basically empty and they don't provide their emails to avoid spam (!?).

Thanks for your input!
Both empty forum and anti-spam protection can be explained that they have just recently introduced forum as a new contact medium and no e-mails that they wish to be contacted through online forms, forum or helpdesk.

Other than that, I've never heard of this company before.
doubletrack said:
Hello everyone,

Looking for any reference about this company. Their site looks great ( ), as well as their reseller plans. Apparently they have been in business for a while, however there are a couple of strange things in their site: the users forum is basically empty and they don't provide their emails to avoid spam (!?).

Thanks for your input!

If I were you, I would never go with someone I know nothing about..
Becaouse I did.. :crap:

btw, I'm hearing only the best about, so you might want to check them out ..

Yes, maybe it's a new forum. What calls my attention about the anti-spam strategy is that, in my opinion, a reliable ISP should be able to handle that without having to cut the email communication. Or am I wrong?


I agree, most probably I'll pass this one, it's just a shame, they almost got me! BTW, I know I can try to call them and all that but for me references comes first.

Thank you guys for your help!
My Suggestion

I would suggest that you DO NOT go with this hosting company. We have 30 clients that we moved over and we have constant e-mail issues, the sql does not back up like it is supposed to and they have actually ignored our requests for assistance and left us on the phone on hold for hours at times and we always get the response, "please send us an exact error message." this business there just isn't always an error message, so if you don't have one you shouldn't expect any help from them. I can't even list all the problems we have had, but the worst part is trying to explain to our clients what is wrong when our host won't tell us. Very, very disappointing!
I would suggest that you DO NOT go with this hosting company. We have 30 clients that we moved over and we have constant e-mail issues, the sql does not back up like it is supposed to and they have actually ignored our requests for assistance and left us on the phone on hold for hours at times and we always get the response, "please send us an exact error message." this business there just isn't always an error message, so if you don't have one you shouldn't expect any help from them. I can't even list all the problems we have had, but the worst part is trying to explain to our clients what is wrong when our host won't tell us. Very, very disappointing!

TGrib, can you list one of the sites you have there?

we always get the response, "please send us an exact error message." this business there just isn't always an error message

While I agree that there is not always an error message, I find an accuracy in that handling of a support issue, concerning email. Generally, when email is not working, it gets bounced back, with an error message.

In any case, I'm not saying they're right or wrong, as I know nothing about them. However, it's pretty standard to ask for a possible error message. It can be the difference between quickly knowing the problem, or spending hours trying to determine what the problem is.
Don't try to use MSAccess on a Viux site

I have been hosting my site with Viux for a year now. My site uses a MSAccess database. My clients and myself frequently (this means at least half the time I attempt to bring it up during business hours) receive the 'too many client requests' error. That is my only complaint but it is a BIG one. Their answer was that I needed to switch to another database product, I think they recommended MYSQL. This despite the advertisement that they support MSAccess. Other than that issue which remains unresolved to this day, I am pleased with the management tools and service. BTW. I did try MYSQL; installed it locally, transferred the data, created the tables on the site, successfully got all the data into the database on the site. I never could get the connection resolved between the web server and the database server. :( My contract runs out with them in August '06, I am currently trying to decide if I will renew it. I guess a lot will depend on whether or not I can get MYSQL working for me.
Worlds not perfect

Having hosted with Viux now for 6 months (yes thats really not very long) I can say with all honesty, I WOULD recommend them as a hosting provider. As a developer over the past several years i've had the pleasure/pain of dealing with half a dozen hosting companies. Viux has always been able to resolve any issues that have come up, and when they could not do so directly (.net code issues, Enterprise Manager issues etc..) they were always very helpful with thier suggestions. The prices are very competitive and the trouble ticket system is very effective (when the issue is not immediatly resolved via "live support" or a phone conversation). The choice is yours ultimately, but believe me when I say, errors and issues are a part of our profession, they cannot be avoided no matter who you are, go with another provider and you will have issues, go with Viux and again, you will have issues. Viux in my experience provides excellent support and that after (before?) price is worth the price.
Considering that this thread was started over 2 years ago and the host is still on the go I'm guessing they have shown they are stable enough.
Viux Hosting

I have had nothing but problems with VIUX in trying to get my site setup. The support staff is very little help, to make things worse I had recommended a client of mine prior to the issues I had with them. He was not even able to purchase plan, when he asked about it they gave him attitude.

On the technical end of things, the control panel has broken links. Don't bother trying to let them know, they don't see it. Stats are selective. The SmarterStats that are suppose to be included with the price of hosting do not work because the shared hosting environment is not licensed properly, or so I was told by the support staff. The new email was difficult to setup and you need to make a special request to have your email administrator account activated. This is required if you want to use the Spam filtering that is also suppose to be included.

FTP - well sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. It seems to have an issue in resolving dns.

CF admin - no cfserver access so forget about setting up datasources or anything else like custom tags

I went with them a year ago because they did offer a much better product then they do know, I did renew becuase of the price freeze offer but I am really regretting now. Does anyone know of a good developer hosting company that still supports CF?

I DO NOT recommend Viux unless you have time to burn with the support staff that seems less than interested any helping you.

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