Very Positive Aventure Host Review!


New member
Name and URL of hosting company: Aventure Host (
Hosted URL(s):
Description of service(s) used: Basic Shared Web Hosting (2), Carbon Email Marketing, Entry Level Managed Server
How long have you been using the service(s): 1 Year

Detailed review: IT companies sometimes promise to deliver so much yet fall short of the mark; this is most definitely not the case with Aventure Host. I started off using Aventure’s email marketing service, choosing them because they offered a full turn key solution of email design, database management and statistical analysis for each email campaign, 8 months on I am still using the service because they have consistently excelled in each of these key areas.

Due to the service that I received in the email marketing I have now chosen Aventure Host to provide website design, server hosting (this week!) and graphic design services. In each of these areas Aventure have delivered above and beyond expectations, through both the speed of delivery and the quality of the end product.

Overall very pleased and I can honestly say to anyone looking for a company to meet their IT requirements, to stop looking and choose Aventure.

Pros: Large range of small business services, fast support, friendly, low cost, professional, uptime/reliable
Cons: Some services have 12 months contracts
Would you recommend this company to your best friend? Yes :agree: