Verisign's WLS Proposal - monopoly alert!


New member
Any opinions on Verisign's WLS proposal?

Bit of background....
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>

Personally - i remember what it was like before the days of competition in the .com, .net and .org market - and the days when you could only really buy SSL certs from Verisign. I remember bad, bad, bad customer service, and high prices. I also remember chosing to move all domains to when competition was introduced, with a web-based control panel and fantastic customer service not to mention much better prices. Then Verisign bought the company and ruined it. I remember having to go to Verisign for SSL Certs - then along came Thawte - better service and better prices again. Then much to my distaste ---- Verisign bought the company. Oh and what happened then - Thawte's prices go up by 60%. Fortunately there is a lot more competition now. However - i am big time against Verisign's anti-compitetive behaviour, which is why i posted this message.

Read Dotsters stance on it all here....

<a href='' target='_blank'></a>

If you don't like what Verisign are up to - sign a petition here....

<a href='' target='_blank'></a>

Let's just hope ICANN have a bit of sense.

Cheers - Mark
Oh and there is also an official ICANN forum where you can voice your opinion....

<a href='' target='_blank'></a>

Cheers - Mark
Verisign arnt the only bad boys..... for example:

DOS actually stands for dirty tricks operating system and was built by Seattle computers, gates bought em out and changed it to disk operating system.

Windows was a concept origionally brought up by Mac, whilst gates was working for mac, he stole the concept (mac stole the concept from Xerox). he then bought a majority share in the company.

WindowsNT was origionally created by a company called new technologies, gates bought them out too.

Internet explorer was origionally made by Spyglass inc..... MS bought the code (dunno if they own them yet).

There programmers havent actually made much ;)
Verisign arnt the only bad boys..... for example:

DOS actually stands for dirty tricks operating system and was built by Seattle computers, gates bought em out and changed it to disk operating system.

Windows was a concept origionally brought up by Mac, whilst gates was working for mac, he stole the concept (mac stole the concept from Xerox). he then bought a majority share in the company.

WindowsNT was origionally created by a company called new technologies, gates bought them out too.

Internet explorer was origionally made by Spyglass inc..... MS bought the code (dunno if they own them yet).  

There programmers havent actually made much ;)

I get the general gist of what you are saying but (sorry) i think there are a few inaccuracies...
I don't think Gates has ever owned a majority share of Apple - or worked there. I also don't think a company called "new technologies" ever existed.

IE was.... "Based on NCSA Mosaic. NCSA Mosaic&#153;; was developed at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign."

I might be wrong - please correct me and my apologies if so.

You are certainly right that they buy a lot of innovative technology though.
Verisign arnt the only bad boys..... for example:

DOS actually stands for dirty tricks operating system and was built by Seattle computers, gates bought em out and changed it to disk operating system.

Windows was a concept origionally brought up by Mac, whilst gates was working for mac, he stole the concept (mac stole the concept from Xerox). he then bought a majority share in the company.

WindowsNT was origionally created by a company called new technologies, gates bought them out too.

Internet explorer was origionally made by Spyglass inc..... MS bought the code (dunno if they own them yet).  

There programmers havent actually made much ;)

I get the general gist of what you are saying but (sorry) i think there are a few inaccuracies...
I don't think Gates has ever owned a majority share of Apple - or worked there. I also don't think a company called "new technologies" ever existed.

IE was.... "Based on NCSA Mosaic. NCSA Mosaic&#153;; was developed at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign."

I might be wrong - please correct me and my apologies if so.

You are certainly right that they buy a lot of innovative technology though.
There once was a time when Microsoft wasnt so big ;)

Gates made DOS for IBM, he then moved on to Steve jobs crew, Apple was a big company and Microsoft had 3 employees.
IE was/ is based on Mosaic, Spyglass still built it though.

Gates lauched windows in Japan before Jobs did his Mac OS job, therefore beating him to the punch, Jobs was also pushed out of Mac by other share holders. Later on Gates bought a ton of shares and Brought Jobs back as the CEO in the 80's.
(I was out in Detroit to see the launch of WinXP and they played a film about him, hence the reason I know all this useless information ;)).
With the final ICANN decision due, registrars such as Dotster are still looking for support....
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>
Either complain via them or via your own top level registrar.
(Or not at all of course).
Bad News....

Dear Dotster customers,

Over the past few weeks we've been keeping you updated on the domain name
wait listing service (WLS) proposed by VeriSign and SnapNames. I wanted to
let you know that last Friday, ICANN voted yes on adoption of the proposal.
They voted yes, even though the ICANN WLS Task Force soundly rejected its
adoption. They voted yes, even though the outpouring of angry consumer
voices on the ICANN WLS forums and petitions clearly demonstrated that not
many were in favor of its adoption. Despite our best efforts to lead a
charge against this proposal, it has been accepted, and we must do our best
to move forward with it now.

Many of you have shown your support of open competition in the secondary
market by e-mailing me, signing the anti-WLS petition, and posting comments
on the forum. From all of us at Dotster, thank you so much for your
support. Dotster is currently going through the appeals process, so we
remain optimistic that things will work out in favor of consumers. Whatever
ends up happening in the end, I promise that Dotster will try to work
within the new system to bring the most benefit to you, our customer.

I have put together a comprehensive document outlining the history of the
WLS proposal, from its first introduction until last week's vote. The
document also includes information on which registrars voted for and
against the WLS -- the results may surprise you! I invite you to review
this document by visiting <a href='' target='_blank'></a>.
Also, if you have any questions or comments about the decision, please feel
free to e-mail them to me at

Again, thank you for your continued support.

Clint Page, President
Dotster Inc.
So whats gonna happen now?

Now that this has been accepted whats gonna happen? How are they gonna do this and what dates will they start their evil service?
p.s I have signed the petition iam 3506
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