If we can be of any help to you, please don't hesitate to contact. I know when there were outages in the past here at Hands-on and we faced credits etc it was a challenge, HOWEVER you may want to discuss it with your clients (or at least some that are paying big fees). See if you can defer the credit until the following month so you're not hit with everything at the same time. Many clients will stick with you through this, so if you can find your clients who've been with you longest and ask them to help you out during this event, you'd be surprised the support you'll get from them!
As for the lost files - that sucks. I've been there before. May want to get CuteFTP or similar program and have it schedule to download files each night etc to your computer. Or use a backup company for hosting accounts to grab files, or a separate VPS to rsync files to.
Granted it's like closing the barn door after the horses got out, but you never know when there might be a next time.
Let me know if there's anything I can do for you.
Oh, also, with regards to the note posted on your domain - get that out of there quickly before google indexes you again. You could be stuck with stale content etc. Even putting up your site (your theme etc) and then putting an announcement - this will at least keep your customers in the loop that you exist and are not going away. Maybe even link to a thread about the hack in the news? Just an idea.
It's certainly been a disaster of epic proportions. This just reinforces the necessity of rock solid security and disaster recovery plans.
I too have read MOST of the posts at WHT on this - there's a few I skiped as it was just rants, and I don't have much time for the people who TyPe LiKe ThIs
There's definitely something going on behind the scene that's not being exposed. A little more transparency would be nice, but in order to save face I'm sure none of that information would be disclosed for months down the road.
The nice thing is that many of the posts say that the various people are staying with the company after the disaster, so that just shows that the company was well run in the past and people had limited problems if any.
Security and Disaster plans are necessary. We update ours each year as more equipment is added etc. Going out of business is not an option for us, and losing our client base would put us out of business! Security Policies, Disaster plans, AUP/TOS and Business Plans should be updated on a yearly basis or as technology and processes change.
Now that's precious all right!Much of it was blatant lies saying things like "we've been in business since 98" and "we own our data center", etc..