Urgent: VPS questions: Root, Fedora, etc.


Staff member
I have a task that is close to impossible: I have to find and sign-up for a VPS solution that has following minimal requirements TODAY:

- Root access
- Linux OS
- Fedora v4

Now, I am not an expert on the subject, but how normal/abnormal these specs are? I am not worried about MySQL. What I am curious is the rest: Root access, Linux OS and Fedora version 4 - how common are these requirements? Do I have to ask for them specifically? How can I understand whether a particular offer/VPS has Fedora installed? How Fedora is different from Linux? Does Root mean I can install any application on a server?

Thanks guys.

Im pretty sure any VPS Gives you root access, so that shouldnt be hard.

Im also pretty sure with VPS you can choose what OS you want, (Windows is more expensive)

Same with Fedora, there are usually a few things you can choose, from Fedora to CentOS to Redhat to FreeBSD.. etc.

MSYQL Is a given..
I'm not Linux guru/server admin, but

Does Root mean I can install any application on a server?
Yes, it's like being an admin on a forum.

Fedora is a Linux distribution (distro), so it is a flavour of Linux. There are tens or hundreds of distros.

How can I understand whether a particular offer/VPS has Fedora installed?
It's should be in the VPS's specifications, in the Operating System or OS field. Sometimes it's just specified there. Get familiar with some of the distro names here: http://www.linuxlinks.com/Distributions (some of the more popular distros are listed at the top of the list that starts with Debian)

Since you're used to cPanel, it might be a good idea to get a VPS with it as well.

Sadly, the few VPS providers that come to mind right now use CentOS, not Fedora.
Artashes, may I suggest Servint? Their support is good, and they have what you need, as far as your specs are concerned.
I think most would install Fedora 4 as your operating system for you Art.
ServInt is definately a great choice.
I would also recommend VPSColo.
I've had servers with both for over 2 years.

One of my more recent servers is with Knownhost.com
Great service so far but I hesitate to recommend them only because I haven't been with them long enough to make a thorough review.
ldcdc said:
Since you're used to cPanel, it might be a good idea to get a VPS with it as well.

Sadly, the few VPS providers that come to mind right now use CentOS, not Fedora.
CPanel is what I will most definitely get. See, the people who I am getting this VPS for are quite knowledgeable. However, if I decide to check things out, then I would need a solution that is user-friendly.

As far as my choices go, I am settling on two at the moment:

The problem is: DEHE runs CentOS while Spry offers Fedora as one of the choices... I guess I still have some more thinking to do.

Btw, that link you provided is awesome. I can't believe the amount of applications to choose from!!
