Up to 7 years in prision for false whois information on domain reg?


New member
Texas congressman Lamar Smith has proposed a new law which will mean if anyone provides false information when registering a domain name can get up to 7 years in prision.

The law is proposed to increase the accuracy of the whois and stop domain fraud.

What do you think about this?

I think its a bit harsh to get up to 7 years for false domain info, no matter how bad it is.
I wonder what kind of thing 7 years would be given out for...It would have to be very serious anyway
Maybe a $50 fine and a warning. If you don't correct it after two warnings it's taken away from you. But not 7 years. That's to much.
You are able to get private registrations which cost around another $9 yearly and that will hide your details.
Thats legal and the only way I know of not giving out your details.
I think people should be allowed more privacy than giving out such personal information which is available to ANYONE on the internet
It only applies when a domain which has been used for unlawful use is found to have false whois information.

If you have a genuine domain doing nothing wrong, and the whois is incorrect then this does not affect you.
If you have a genuine domain doing nothing wrong, and the whois is incorrect then this does not affect you.

That's a relief :) my host fills in the whois information twith theirs anyway, to protect the users privacy
Thanks for clearing that up Matt, the news I read on it didnt say anything about that in it, checked it again earlier thinking I missed something.

Wonder why the news article said the jail time was for filling in incorrect whois info rather than for illegal domain useage.

I know you still cant fill in false whois info, I have registered a lot of domains for customers in my own name also (no where near the number you have done Matt hehe)