unlimited parked domains

The amount of your parked domains wont effect the overall resources. This isnt included into the primary list of functions asided for hosting. If you have a limited amount of addon domains than im sure the resources will be used by multiple websites and not parked.
Unlimited parked domains shouldn't pose a problem so long as you stay within your alloted resources.

Only when "unlimited" is within reason. I don't imagine that any host would be happy having 100000 parked domains on its server, by a customer paying $5 a month. There's more to it all than just the space and bandwidth used.
Well hopefully if the customer has 100000 domains to park (that they paid for) then maybe they should have that much more of reason to have a better budget for a server :)

Only reason someone would use the server with aloaddddd of names would be to take advantage of the system and save money, in this case someone with 10000 or even 1,000s domains wouldnt really be worried about saving $5 lol.

You should be fine with unlimited parked domain, but choice relys with you :p

(worry about space/bandwidth).
Well it is all over now a days. I can see several hosts selling plans saying,

(1)Unlimited Storage
(2)Unlimited Bandwidth
(3)Unlimited Email Accounts
(4)Unlimited Addon Domains
(5)Unlimited Databases

This is very common. But I believe this is only to convince customer to take decision in their favor. Obviously nothing is unlimited. There are limits that even hosting company has to face. But usually those limits are not easily reachable hence it is counted as Unlimited.

I must say these are marketing tricks. They are not deceiving but trying to market their products as best as they can.
I would have to disagree that these plans are not deceiving - they are, but they obviously work for some companies.
This is not good. If providers offers unlimited subdomains it is fine and typical and true :) But unlimited parked domains is usualy trick and should be avoided by customers.
There is no so-called unlimited hosting provider ,never. But there is many hosting plan which could be available to suit your website,like business solution hosting or even dedicated hosting .
Unlimited is a grey area. We all know that unlimited doesn't exist. What about hosts promising 100 GB for $5 a month? is that unreasonable? What about 90 Gb for $5? 50? 40? Where do you draw the line?
Its good to have unlimited parked domains in your reseller plan because it does not consume disk space.