Unlimited Email

Re: Re: [£25 A YEAR REQUEST] Reseller! Please read!

othellotech said:
>Unlimited email

no such thing, how many mailboxes do you require in total ?


how many databases in total ?

Yes there is such things as unlimited, aslong as they stay within they're quota of space and bandwidth :D Explain why its not possible if you think your correct.

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Re: Re: [£25 A YEAR REQUEST] Reseller! Please read!

othellotech said:
>Unlimited email

no such thing, how many mailboxes do you require in total ?


how many databases in total ?

Sure there is unlimited e-mail. You can have as many e-mail addresses as you want. You just need to stay within your space limits, which hardly ever applies, it's e-mail!
Re: Re: Re: [£25 A YEAR REQUEST] Reseller! Please read!

webspaceUK.com said:
Yes there is such things as unlimited, aslong as they stay within they're quota of space and bandwidth :D Explain why its not possible if you think your correct.

Without wanting to turn the posters thread into a row about unlimited's ...

Firstly it would depend on what the poster *required* from the comment unlimited email - is that unlimited amounts of it in/out which would therefore requier unlimited bandwidth otherwise by definition it's LIMITED to their plan limits ... or unlimited email addresses.

Unlimited/Limitless/No Limit cannot be true simply as each mail account, alias, password etc take up space on your drive(s) and in your database(s) and as such has a limit at least as defined as "n" where n is the max number you can create before your o/s keels over and dies due to lack of space.

I'd much rather see people forget the marketing lies, and put down the *real* limitations, even if it is "65,536 email alias per mailbox" or whatever, not all consumers are fools, and more and more will simply avoid anything associated with the word "unlimited".
if you can answer the how many email mailboxes and how many databases, we can possibly offer a UK based solution, what we cant do is offer "unlimited" somethings as we'd be unable to provide it .
Common sense tells me two things about this thread:

1. No such thing as unlimited anything, when it comes to Server resources.

2. This thread somehow got orphaned -- or somebody slipped something into my coffee.

You're failling to understand one thing i think:

An e-mail address doesn't take up that much space. Therefore, you cannot truly define a limit for these. I prefer the word unmetered for e-mail accounts, sql accounts, etc...

But yes you can offer them, when what you're trying to say is:
'You can use as many of them as you need within your allotted account space'

For example, someone could have 3000000 email accounts, but if they check them every minute and delete them (like i do) they aren't going to take up hardly any space.
For example, someone could have 3000000 email accounts

Well, 3,000,000 (3 million in case someone missed the zeros) is NOT going to run off a single server..DualXeon or whatever. That's pretty misinformed to start with to say a server will run 3 million accounts.

Hotmail Yahoo doesn't of a single machine...they run clusters.

Othellotech is right...it can't be unlimited...because even putting 10K accounts on a server is going to kill the mailsystem and the $5 or $10/mo is not going to pay for it.

But it IS a marketing thing....because having a lot of accounts is going to make resource consumption shoot...and then the TOS kicks in...be it Mysql or EMail. Its also unlikely to find people wanting to create thousands of email accounts.

Personally, if someone says they are going to create 2000 mailboxes, we refuse the order.

I feel 999 is a decent figure for mailboxes.

Regarding, Mysql....I haven't worked with a Mysql server that can boot with 3 million databases...not even a thousand...but I support it will run with about a thousand or so. Again, this is again Marketing....and Yes, we do it too.