Unix / Windows Technician Position in Orlando


New member
Vortech, Inc. is currently offering one Full Time Technical positions with our Web Hosting operation based in Orlando, Florida. Applicants' resume should include demonstrated proficiency with Unix/Linux/FreeBSD, networks, IP, SMTP, H-Sphere from Psoft.net and DNS. Knowledge of Windows 2000 Server, IIS, MS SQL and Cold Fusion is a plus. Certifications are not required.

We currently have an opening for one (1) Unix / Windows technicians.

The following requirements must be met by the technician:

Control Panel Support - H-Sphere and CPanel
Tech Support, Phone Support
FreeBSD, RedHat

Salary will be based on experience and working knowledge.

For more information, please contact our office by telephone at 407.323.5634 Option #3, 10am - 6pm ET Monday - Friday

Apply Here
Unix / Windows Technician Position full or part time ( Remote Techs )

Hello everyone,

Vortech, Inc. is looking to add some talented individuals to our already great support team of Technicians, to work as off site techs.

Open Positions:

Full time: Monday - Friday, 2 PM - 10 PM
Part-time: Saturday and Sunday, 6 AM - 2 PM
All times are US/Eastern Time

Position Details:
Off Site Techs are responsible for providing technical support to all types of customers: shared hosting, reseller, dedicated servers and co-location. We also utilize a LiveChat system for support along with our ticket system.

Job Benefits:
Work from your own home for the largest H-Sphere Reseller hosting company
Great wages

Position Requirements:
Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills
Must be proficient and fluent in the English language, both written and spoken. If you cannot write well, please don't bother applying!
Good knowledge of the web hosting industry
At least four years experience with Linux & Windows 2000 (as a server OS)
Extensive knowledge of the H-Sphere Control Panel and CPanel/WHM
Extensive experience with the following server software: Apache, Exim, ProFTPD, BIND, OpenSSH, MySQL, IIS, ODBC, mssql and Cold Fusion MX
The following skills are not required, but would be helpful:
Experience with Extreme Networks and Cisco networking equipment
Advanced or expert level Perl or PHP programming skills
Network and server security experience (firewalls, access lists, snort, etc.)

General Information:
The position requires 40 hours per week.
Applicants need not possess all of the skills listed above to apply. Good interpersonal and communication abilities are an excellent qualification along with technical knowledge. We are not looking to train someone in Cpanel/WHM/Linux/Hsphere -- applicants should already be very comfortable working in these environments and will only be given necessary information in regards to Vortech’s specific procedures. Previous employer references are preferred.

If you have special scheduling, such as school or second job. please let us know in advance.
Applicant must provide his or her own PC and Internet connectivity; this is not provided by Vortech.
Connectivity must be Cable, DSL or Faster.

To Apply:
Please send an email to sales@vortechhosting.com and include the following:
Full name
Additional contact information (phone, ICQ or AIM)
Please attach your resume and references.
Oh sorry I thought it was only pre forum, I thought this one would be ok. Guess not.. Thought WHT was bad.

The first time I did totally missed it but if you want people to follow your rules make them clear.

Please look through the local rules to avoid getting into trouble.

1. All posts must be related to the subject of the forum, which is Employment.

2. All users who wish to advertise are limited to 1 (one) advertising thread per 14-day period.

2.a. If you have an urgent/additional opportunity to present, you may do so by adding a post to already started by you thread, if the number of days from your last post do not exceed 14.

I thought that rule just applied to this forum since the subject did say Employment Opportunities forum posting rules NOT ALL FORUMS.
Last edited:
Thought WHT was bad.
LOL. Well, you were not banned yet, were you? ;)

Oh nevermind I see I was off by ONE day.. OMG..
The rules do state 14-day period, not "14 days, give or take a few". All I did was follow the rules.

The first time I did totally missed it but if you want people to follow your rules make them clear.
I will personally look into it and try to figure a way to make them clearer. Thank you for the feedback.
vortech said:
Oh nevermind I see I was off by ONE day.. OMG..

The rules are very clear. Why would we bend them for one member?

The name of this forum is Hosting Discussion, not Hosting Advertising.
Advertising is a privlege here not a right.
The fact is, why not just remove the post or email. I really did not mean to do that I thought it was 14 days.

Again sorry about that. You are right this Hosting Discussion not Hosting Advertising but its also a privlege for you to even have users with an remark like that. I was not out to just go break your rules.
why not just remove the post or email
vortech, this is our policy here. The threads are simply merged and we post the reason why they were merged.

I was not out to just go break your rules.
We understand that.

it's also a privilege for you to even have users with an remark like that.
That remark was not totally unwaranted though.

You were the first to post "Oh nevermind I see I was off by ONE day.. OMG.." and that OMG was not a very well chosen expression. It hints irony, or at least it does to me.

Again, thank you for the feedback about the rules. If you ever find anything unclear about them, tell us. We'll be glad to help you understand them and even modify the wording of a specific rule if a better way to convey the idea can be found.

Thank you.
Thank you for understanding, V.

PS: Its nice that we are able to discuss it like adults and find good solutions to any issues at HD.