Ultrix Hosting is great so far!


New member
Hey everyone, just wanted to write my review of Ultrix Hosting (www.ultrixhosting.com).

Setup was real fast (less than an hour), support is good (theyve got a live chat, forums, and aol messenger), and the prices are amazingly low...its why i chose to go with them in the beginning.
My plans $3 a month! and if anything goes wrong in the first 30 days i can get it back even, so thats good.

One thing i noticed though was that sometimes the AOL messenger support is idle. Never for very long, but its just a little disconcerning.

I'll update my post in the future with any changes in support or anything like that. Or good things too, i guess.

let me know if i can answer any questions about them. good luck in your hosting search!

Glad to hear it creativeChicken. Do you have a website with them that you can share with us? Thank you!
Ultrix Hosting is horrible. I paid for 6 months worth of service. After a few weeks, everything starting going wrong. My server went down for 2 weeks straight. When he finally responded to my emails or other forms of contact, aftre two weeks that is, he spent another week trying to fix it. Then after another week, he said he would give me a refund since he couldn't get the server work. Then, he stopped talking to me. I never got my money back, and he never responds to any forms of contact I seem to reach him through. I just want to say his service sucks, and if you plan on giving him money, don't. It is extremely likely that you won't get both your service or your money back. I was simply hoping that if I started telling everyone about him, that he would take me more seriously.
Hmm, their resseller hosting is cheap and looks great!

I might just give it a try. But i'll keep pyroglaze's little comment in mind :)
After researching, reading, and infrencing, I have concluded that this service sucks...

Edit: Talked to the guy..this service does suck.

SergioB965: Hello/
SergioB965: ?
UltrixSupport: yah hi
SergioB965: Allright, can I ask you a few questions?
UltrixSupport: Sure
SergioB965: allright, first of all, how do you respond to all those posts/comments in your forums about no money back?
UltrixSupport: The cases that no money given back was due to a major infractio of our TOS.
SergioB965: But, as your TOS stated, they have 7 days to request the money back...and yet even if they are there for less than 7 days, they don't get their money back?
UltrixSupport: No, we will not refund money if our TOS is majorly infracted.
SergioB965: What do you mean, infracted?
UltrixSupport: Violated
SergioB965: But, how can it be violated when it is written and stated that they will get their money back if requested withing 7 days?
UltrixSupport: That is business between us and the client.
SergioB965: Ok...also, i've heard that you don't let them get their stuff backed up and just delete their accounts, is this true?
UltrixSupport: In some certain cases where child porn and warez were used yes.
SergioB965: What about the LCR hosting case?
UltrixSupport: Again we can't talk about any certain business's case.
SergioB965: Well, we won't be talking about it indefinately...we will only discuss why you wouldn't give them their files.
UltrixSupport: That I cannot discuss either.
SergioB965: Why is that?
UltrixSupport: Because we won't talk about a business.
SergioB965: Are we?
SergioB965: What is UltrixHosting
UltrixSupport: Yes and I won't talk about it anymore.
SergioB965: ok
SergioB965: So
SergioB965: What is this all that i've heard that they have paid about 60 dollars for a year, decide they don't like your service, claim for a refund, and you don't give their refund for their remaining months?
UltrixSupport: I just said I won't talk about this anymore.
SergioB965: We're not talking about any Buisness, we're talking in General
UltrixSupport: I'm sorry but I won't talk about it.
SergioB965: About what>
SergioB965: ?*
UltrixSupport: Goodbye.
SergioB965: This is no *it*
SergioB965: OMG
SergioB965: you can't do that
SergioB965: Hello
SergioB965: ?
SergioB965: Eh, I guess they were right.
SergioB965: Maybe you should get out of the hosting industry.
SergioB965: Good Bye.
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Sergio965, I just don't see how that makes them suck.

We have suspended and terminated clients for spamming, and we will not convenience them in any way....including handing over their files.

A host is under no obligation to give the violating client anything but the boot.

It really sounds to me that your "questionaire" was a bit attacking. You tried to get them to break their privacy policy and discuss another client's account with you.
ANMMark said:
Sergio965, I just don't see how that makes them suck.

We have suspended and terminated clients for spamming, and we will not convenience them in any way....including handing over their files.

A host is under no obligation to give the violating client anything but the boot.

It really sounds to me that your "questionaire" was a bit attacking. You tried to get them to break their privacy policy and discuss another client's account with you.

I'm guessing you work for them?

I wasn't trying to make them go into on account in personal...just wanted to know why they didn't want to give them their money back, even though they stayed within the TOS. And if I sign up for their hosting...and I get this kind of crap support, then..eh.
I'm guessing you work for them?

Now, just because my opinion differs from your's in how you went about your posted conversation, does not mean I work for them.

In fact, I never heard of them before your post. My response is extremely un-biased. I just called it the way I saw it.

even though they stayed within the TOS.

I'm guessing you were the client in question, and this was a way to get back at them?

How would you know the client stayed within the TOS? Just because they argued that they did, does not mean they did.

All the spammers WE catch always claim to have not spammed, and then once confronted with the proof, then threaten to sue :D
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ANMMark said:
Now, just because my opinion differs from your's in how you went about your posted conversation, does not mean I work for them.

In fact, I never heard of them before your post. My response is extremely un-biased. I just called it the way I saw it.

I'm guessing you were the client in question, and this was a way to get back at them?

How would you know the client stayed within the TOS? Just because they argued that they did, does not mean they did.

All the spammers WE catch always claim to have not spammed, and then once confronted with the proof, then threaten to sue :D

"We have suspended and terminated clients for spamming, and we will not convenience them in any way....including handing over their files."

That's why I thought you worked for them..but sorry, i read wrong. And no, I am not the client in question. The client was not -one- client, it was many many...and how did I know that stayed in their tos? because I read the tos, and then saw the forums. DER!
Yep, one day we went to our site and the entire account was gone. Try exsplaining to 100+ customers (at the time) that the host was stupid enough to blame people for nothing. We have yet to be told what account had this "child porn" and not a single ultrix team will even talk about it. Ive talked to them for atleast 20 minutes on another AIM SN then the second I say "why did you ban LCR" he blocked me.

Advice: Go away from there site, never ever ever go there again
I think that the bottom line on this one is that if you go in and make an attempt to violate their policies, the host has no other option than to please ask you to stop what you are doing (which he did) and then refuse to take you on as a client (which he did).

This host was only doing their job and I dont really want to see this turn into another one of those malicious ***********.com threads. At the moment, this discussion seems to be creating publicity for Ultrix more than anything.

lcrhosting, you were asking for trouble asking that question, when in fact you knew darn-right why he banned him. If its in their TOS and AUP and you infringe/infract upon it, they are fully entitled to suspend or ban the account indefinitely. I'm sure that clause was made perfectly clear in their legal documentation.

Hopefully you guys can come to understand that and someone else can come here and give their 'honest' opinion of this host!

Equinox, maybe that would be a good theory. But i see one major flaw. We didnt do anything. I personaly check for TOS violations 2 nights before. So unless some kid knew when I check for violations and waited untill I was done to upload an entire site OR Ultrix is just full of it.