Two things...


New member

Ok - Firstly: Look at the top left. You should see blank, Interviews and News. However if you hover over the first blank it comes up with Directory. I've no idea, maybe I'm the only one experiencing this?

Secondly: How about making it so that one does not need to click "Quick Reply" in a post just to make a quick reply? The point of quick reply is that: making it easier and quicker to reply to a post, when you do not have a lot of time. Having to click that means quick reply becomes a slow reply; which is not what it was intended for. I was thinking, if I'm not being too bold, to ask maybe so that one does not need to click Quick Reply to actually make a quick reply?
I would have to agree with the "Quick reply" thing.

Having to press the "Quick reply" button, makes it just the same as clicking the normal "reply" button, thus eliminating any difference.
Having to press the "Quick reply" button, makes it just the same as clicking the normal "reply" button, thus eliminating any difference.
For me there is a difference as I'm not on a fast Internet connection. :)

I think you're both right though. It would be more convenient if the quick reply box would be "open" at all times.

However if you hover over the first blank it comes up with Directory. I've no idea, maybe I'm the only one experiencing this?
No, you're no the only one Anjay. I didn't notice it before though. Nice find! :)

In regard of that directory button, I didn't even notice it myself. Jose will take care of it hopefully. Nice find. :)

In regard of the quick reply - nice suggestion, will be certainly considered. But then of the negative side of things. You are reading the beginning of the thread (top of the page) and would like to reply quickly. You click on the button and it does two functions: activates the reply field AND brings you fast to the bottom of the page. If you didn't have that, you would have to scroll down to the bottom by yourself. Which would take more time: scrolling down or auto-redirecting?

If you didn't have that, you would have to scroll down to the bottom by yourself. Which would take more time: scrolling down or auto-redirecting?
The Quick reply buttons should remain, just that the actual Quick reply box should always be "open".

In regards to the Quick Reply: How about having the Quick Reply button still there, to auto-redirect to the bottom, but also having the Quick Reply box auto-activated, meaning it suits those who don't wish to quick "Quick Reply", however it also suits those who wish to read only the first post and then click Quick Reply to auto-redirect to the Quick Reply box to post a reply.

This way, it'd suit both parties.
The directory button has been now fixed (thanks Anjay). In regards to the "Quick Reply", we are still looking for the best solution possible.