trying to find a good reseller plan


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Hi, dudes. I'm going to became a reseller and have some money from it. But I didn't do it before and I wonder what features I should take into consideration choosing a reseller? I have chosen some companies but I don't know how good they are for me. They are: ************, and I have looked through all their feedbacks in the Internet. The greater part of them looks good. But I'm not sure. maybe somebody has a personal experience with them? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I have looked through all these three companies. Their plans look not bad. But I've heard has not very quick support. As for I can't tell anything because I heard nothing about it and maybe it's even good. No bad news is good news. I've read reviews about ************ and I may say they have got a good reputation. Try them and then share your hosting experience with us.
G_om, I think you should ask what kind of hosting and what kind of features you want to provide to YOUR customers first. Then you can search for a solution that satisfies that specification. There are hosting companies out there that specialize in Linux, Windows, RoR, Grid, OpenSource, some other type of solutions... If you are after the general crowd of customers that any general reseller company should satisfy your request.

Resellerzoom is the only one I heard of. If anything, they have years of experience now, and that's quite important when choosing a reseller hosting provider.

Notrio seems very new.

************ seem to be using Hostdime as a server provider. That's something you might want to look into more detail.************
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I would suggest you take a look at . They offer a complete package for resellers which includes end user support. This means that they will support all of your clients anonymously so you do not have to worry about being online 24 hours a day to take questions from your clients.
They handle the tech support, and also the sales/billing support as well. They also provide you with the billing system (ClientExec) saving you about $12 a month there, and the end user support can save you anywhere from $25.00 a month, to $200 a month!
In my opinion, there is no better offer out there!
EQWebHost said:
I would suggest you take a look at . They offer a complete package for resellers which includes end user support. This means that they will support all of your clients anonymously so you do not have to worry about being online 24 hours a day to take questions from your clients.
They handle the tech support, and also the sales/billing support as well. They also provide you with the billing system (ClientExec) saving you about $12 a month there, and the end user support can save you anywhere from $25.00 a month, to $200 a month!
In my opinion, there is no better offer out there!
Do they support their reseller's clients?
webfreak08 said:
In my opinion, no bad reviews from a company that claims to have a large client or customer base seems odd and suspicious. You cannot please everyone.
I think you are right here but if there are many bad reviews about a company it makes you think about its reliability.
Reviews are good but it never hurts to test the water. Open a support ticket on there website asking something that's clearly state on the site and see how they respond.

You can judge the host on response times, see if they are professional or not.

It doesn't hurt too much to take a leap of faith from time to time, communicate with the people your going to host with, ask about a free trial if all else fails.

If you can spare the time, get your account for a week, and see how the server loads are, make sure everything is setup right, before you move your client over.
I use Reseller Zoom, and can give them a pretty good recommendation. Until recently, they actually had phone support that was pretty good. The support now isn't too bad, despite being support ticket/email only.

Uptime is pretty good as I haven't had anything be offline for very long, if at all.

The issue I have with them is their disk space to account number ratio. Unless I only setup small, say 25 mb accounts only, my disk space runs out before my number of accounts does. I think they should redo their account and pricing scheme a little.
Artashes said:
G_om, I think you should ask what kind of hosting and what kind of features you want to provide to YOUR customers first. Then you can search for a solution that satisfies that specification. There are hosting companies out there that specialize in Linux, Windows, RoR, Grid, OpenSource, some other type of solutions... If you are after the general crowd of customers that any general reseller company should satisfy your request.
Agreed, you really should decide on a target niche, then decide on what type of hosting you want to offer and what features.
What I usually advise people to do is choose say a half dozen or so hosts that fit your needs and that you think are good. Make a list. Then ask questions here, check for more reviews then actually contact each host. Checking for response times and the types of responses you get. Winding your list down till you find the one that you think is good for you. Especially being a reseller you'll want to make sure your support is excellent! Best of luck!
Both ************ and provide Linux reselling,
their plans, domain and ftp featurs are almost the same. Make search on the customers'feedback on both companies, contact their sales reps.
I have been using resellerzoom for about a year and a half and can give them a good recommendation. No major problems, although it periodically seems like the outgoing mail server goes down occasionally on my server.
I do not currently resell, but use it to manage several web sites. They have some plans that will provide end user support as well, I believe, which can be a plus.
In early 2003, we have used the price might be higher but their service/support is great. they turn around just within a couple of hours.

for cheaper and better service, you may either try
they offer great pricing. But their support is not as good as

What's important to you in terms of support? Some of the reseller hosts are now providing end-user support. For many this has been a life-saver!
I have been with www.************ for few days. I hven't had any problems yet. They are friendly and good company.
ResellerGuru was great in support. HostDepartment has the cheapest price to offer but support is not as good. I have worked with both and the overall experience was fair enough.

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