Trillian or the REAL thing?


Well-known member
Well, I use trillian most of the time, but I was just wondering,
what do you prefer?

Trillian, the all in one instant messenger (ICQ, AIM, Yahoo, MSN) or the REAL thing? ICQ, MSN, AIM, Yahoo SEPERATELY?

(Trillian link:
I like Trillian esp being a web host.

My customers all have different IM's, having
Trillian I can communicate with the top 4 IM's

This way I only have one IM client loaded.

Great program.
Trillian, trillian, trillian!

Running ICQ, AIM and etc all at the same time creates a lot of desktop clutter and who likes that? :p
I use trillian also becuz its easier to talk to mnay people on many different types of programs. And most of my clents have ICQ and i need trillian for that