Ticket Response Times

high quality posting only.

the most impresive support is under one hour.

even though you are not in hurry, faster reply from your hosting provider is a must for you, . It indicates they are professional.:)
This is really unacceptable :)

Fully the nice way to put it, I would be FUMING.

We don't try for any ticket to go unanswered for that long, and at the end of the month sometimes we will run a poll for those slacking in the ST area with late replies. No matter what level, we still take care of the client and part of the dealing with it is reassuring the client that we are working on it to resolve it ASAP. There is no general reply (We don't do that) but we will reply and explain to keep the client up to date. Most places might do a "We are working on it" and say nothing more, for up to 5+ hours I have seen, that's just a no no. :(
windows hosting provider ******.com has replied my ticket within 25 minutes. I was really surpriced.

However there are some companies that claim to give 10 minutes response guarantee... I do not believe that.
Support response time, as quick as possible. My support staff manage a response within 15 minutes. On average it's about 5 mins to date. Sales is a couple hours as they are not 24/7 but still. I'm sure most will claim this as untrue, a long time ago I would agree as I had bad experience with providers. You're always welcome to try.

To have a reponse later than 3 hours I wouldn't accept. Your website could be down and 3 hours of downtime for many business can be very very costly. In my oppinion it's in the top three most important for a web host.
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