The New York NOC (NYNOC) one year review


New member
I am just a moderately-skilled business owner who is very grateful to others, most much more knowledgeable than I, who take the time to post their experience on various forums. Information I was able to find on the web has helped me to choose vendors, troubleshoot issues, etc., when I run a one-man shop and pretty much have to wear all hats.

So this is my one-year review of The New York NOC, in hopes it helps someone else who is choosing hosting providers.

I have a mid-level VPS plan with NYNOC, with CPanel, which I use to house several domains, run a couple of Mailman discussion lists, and act as my DNS server and mail server as well.

I can say that with the exception of two or three DDOS attack incidents over the past year (and none in quite a while) during which it was difficult to access my server for about 24 hours, **I have had 100 percent uptime**. Because I am only a beginner at managing a linux web server, I have often needed to post a trouble-ticket and have always got a satisfactory response from NYNOC employees.

In fact, what I have appreciated most is that if I explain in my trouble ticket that I would rather be taught what to do (for next time) rather than just have someone fix it for me ... Andy (NYNOC owner) has gone above and beyond the call of duty to patiently teach me what needs to be done, so that I can become more and more self-sufficient.

I currently have a Super VPS #2 plan which for a mere $9.95 per month gives me 20 GB of storage, 1,000 GB of bandwidth, 512 MB of guaranteed RAM, and for $15/month additional (because someone like me really needs it) CPanel. For years I was with webintellects who I thought ran a pretty good shop but downtime was a little too common and response from my server was extremely slow (whether due to their distance from a backbone, internal network problems, or what I can't say).

Response time to my server at The New York NOC is extremely fast.

Service-ticket response time has been great, and Andy and his staff have been willing to walk the extra mile to instruct me as a customer.

Uptime has exceeded 99.9%.

The cost is hard to beat.


PS: in response to various negative posts I have seen about NYNOC: If your site is mission-critical or even just "important", in my opinion you should be mirroring your entire site to another server somewhere. Also, I have seen criticism of the fact that NYNOC is very small, with Andy himself often answering support tickets. For me, that is a big plus. I run a small business and I prefer to choose small businesses as my vendors. I do not see this as a downside in any way. But if you would rather go with a big hosting service provider who will not remember you when you contact them, i.e, if you'd rather been an account number instead of a person in your provider's mind ... then pick a big huge hosting provider, not The NYNOC....
I have never heard of these people but I wouldn't criticize a place for being small. My current host for my blogs is a small company but they have the most fantastic service. Sometimes when a company gets too big they can't keep up with customer support.

Why was the company put through so many DDOS attacks this year? I haven't heard of anyone suffering several like that.
Andy runs a tight ship at the NYNOC. Yes, they are smaller than some, but they do have their niche.
I was on their site a while back. They have some really very affordable VPS plans. I've been considering one just to use for some backups.
I have heard good and bad things about them. I have not used them because I don't want to find out the hard way. I might one day use them and see how it goes.

Thanks you very much for the review, it will help me later on.
Like I said earlier, Andy runs a tight ship. And it doesn't matter who your provider is, small or large - I'd still recommend keeping a remote backup.
It depends very much what kind of services anyone uses with any provider. Shared Hosting require different support. At the same time any good VPS or Dedicated Hosting require reliable hardware and network with an excellent uptime... And it is very different with Colocation... so the answer is what kind of customers complain - shared, vps, dedicated or colocation?
Another nice review with proper details attached, so I found it pretty useful. I just wanted to add something that this review format is not right, so can you fix this?
I hate NYNoc. They banned my vps in the first day for spam reasons. I was installing cpanel and they banned me.