The name game - Need some help for a program Im doing


New member
Some people know I was working on a program for offline billing/account management.
Well I didnt have time to work on it for some time, mainly because I was doing a lot for HR.

Now I have hired someone to work on the program for a while so there will be a new version within the next few days with 2 people working on the code :)

What I need help with, is a name for the program.
I will be releasing it with a new site, name and almost total rewrite of the code itself.

Some main features which might help people for a name:

Everything is currently done offline
It should work in windows and linux (Yet to test for linux but will soon)
It stores all information on the clients account, packages available, company information etc.
It can send invoice emails to clients
etc. etc.

Dont want to go into a list of whats available but its just to give you an idea

You should all be able to download it soon enough to see it for yourself ;)

In the meantime I will be coding it and TRYING to get a site up for it (Have to create the actual site, then do the content :rolleyes: )

Any suggestions for the name of the program would be great!

Sparticus - because it's a cool name
Winvoice? - ?
PrestoBill - ?
ExactoBill - ?
AccuBill - might alreaqdy exist
Accuvoice - might already exist

phpManager - because someone should write a version that works!
Winvoice would be good if it was windows only but the program will also be for linux, great suggestion though.

:lol: Haha like the phpManager suggestion ;)

Thanks a lot Rox Off, I will be thinking about the name a bit tonight as Im working on content for the site.
Havent heard from the coder I hired today so not sure on the status today but I dont think it will be too long until the coding for a lot of things is complete.
I left it a bit late to think of the name eh :rolleyes:
How about Hostbill Complete (Because we want a complete version :) )

And when you are ready I will test the Linux version for you being I only run Linux now on my PC.
What do you think about BillGuy?
I think that sounds good and the domain is available :)

The program is being worked on now by the other coder and I have just started on the site.
Database integration is being added, the first version stored the information in INI files so this should work better.
Going to take a while to complete that I think.

Great Robert, would be great if you could do that, have to see if theres anything I have to port over for linux because I only have windows available here, think I have Knoppix here (Think thats how you spell it) but not sure

Great Robert, would be great if you could do that, have to see if theres anything I have to port over for linux because I only have windows available here, think I have Knoppix here (Think thats how you spell it) but not sure

I will test it under Wine (A Linux Windows Emulator) and see if it works that way first.
John Diver said:
What do you think about BillGuy?


What are you trying to bait me or something, BillGuy sheesh what does a gal have to do around here.. I tell you we get no respect. :beathim:

How about BestBill, BillBest, TrueBill, BillManager that one is sure to rank you high in the searches.

I really bite with names but had to protest and offer an alterntive
Yes BillVoice is good, I really don't care about that sexist crap as I love being a house wife, but I grew up with all brothers and neighborhood full of boys so I do love the give the fella's a rough time. :lol: