The most disturbing cartoon ever...


New member
Christ. What kind of retard put this show on television? I was just watching MTV, and all of a sudden this came on:

Jesus! It's horrific, terrible... disturbing, sick, twisted.
God, it should be taken off of television. What kind of sick retard wants to see Happy Tree Friends?!

The episode I saw was where this pink animal had a lolly pop, he tripped, and got it stuck in his eye... I know what you're thinking, and then the eye is popped out, goes up a tree, etc. etc. blah blah and a bird starts pecking on it. I've left out a lot of details, but what kind of sick freak watches that kind of thing?

I tell you... the more and more I watch MTV, the less and less I like it. Looks like it's bye-bye MTV and helloo Viva.
I have never seen that on MTV..
Which MTV do you get Anjay?
I have MTV UK, watch it a good bit but haven't seen any ads for that and haven't even heard of it before you posted.

Some weird things do get played on MTV but haven't seen anything like this.
I have MTV Germany, however as far as I'm aware it's on all MTV stations because there are no voices or anything that needs to be translated.

It was on pretty late at night; I hadn't seen it before because I've never been up that late watching MTV. It was something like 1am or 2am in the morning I think.
Stephen said:
Sorry I just have to laugh at that :lol:
Anjay says he thinks it is the most disturbing thing ever, and you upload some so people can watch them :lol:

What can I say :lol:
My friends gaved me that on a lan party 2-3 months ago, enjoy it ;)

And I just uploaded it so people can generate their own Ideas about it, and get the idea of what he is talking about :)
Hey gooooogle!!!
Long time so see. Great to see you on :)

MTV doesn't really play any music anymore, they play things like jackass, dirty sanchez, punked. More programmes but now it has seperate channels for actual music, MTV Dance, MTV 2, MTV Bass etc.

You should check out MTV if you have it, pretty good channel. I loveeeeee watching Dirty Sanchez, nothing can compete with that!

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