The Hunt – Find the ModernBill V5 Easter Egg


New member
So, there's talk about a hidden Easter Egg in the V5 Beta. Who told me about the hidden ModernBill V5 Easter Egg? Well, I was watching one of the developers code the multiple gateways feature in the ModernBill V5 Beta the other day when all of the sudden he came across an Easter Egg! That gave me a great idea, hold a contest to see who can find the hidden ModernBill V5 Beta Easter Egg first.

What’s an Easter Egg? Visit

Once you find the hidden ModernBill V5 Easter Egg, you can claim bragging rights to all your friends.

So, do you have what it takes to find the hidden ModernBill V5 Beta Easter Egg?

So what will you get if you’re the first to post the steps it takes to find the V5 Beta Easter Egg? Head on over to and find out.

Dave Young
ModernGigabyte, LLC.
I only find easter eggs when I'm not specifically looking for them, so I don't know if I'll be entering the contest. I will be coming to the conference, though, with a member of my tech support staff. We're both very interested in several of the panels on the schedule.