That back button thingy...


New member
When your browsing the net sometimes you come across a site which has a javascript that prevents you from clicking the back button, im sure you all know what I mean.

When clicking the back button just leaves you on the same page

Happens when you get search results from search engines a lot

Do you normally just keep hitting back or just click the down button beside the back button and go to the page you werte on before.

Or do you just type in the address of another site you want to go to?

or maybe you didnt know what was wrong and you just close your window and open another, and now you are enlightened ;)
I don't really understand.. you mean say you click search then it goes to a page that refers you to a new page.. and you hit back and the timer sends you right back?
Hehe ok, when you go to some sites that use a javascript function which stops you click the back button to go to the last page you were on, so it keeps you on their page.

You can get past it by clicking the back button a few times quickly
Oohhhh! Yeah I know what you mean now.. I have a button on my keyboard that works for going forward and back.. arrows right above my arrow keys.. kinda different.. I just hit taht twice and it works fine :)

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