TemplateMonster.com like system


New member
Hi guys, your advice needed.
I have partnered up with a new host to have a templatemonster like site.

The host is not up yet, we have time.
I'm going to admin the subdomain of his site.

What I need is a php script system that will work the same way as the one templatemonster uses.

It needs to have an admin panel for me to add products without a problem.

the product itself will be a .zip file, that is going to be placed above the "public_html" dir' and an anti-leech script be used.

I need to be able to skin this system as well.

Client see's template preview, with some stat' like price, and number of downloads, 'etc.

he clicks and gets a bigger preview window with more stat'.

he registers, gets an auto-email sent to him.

if he wants to buy the template he pays via paypal, script confirms that he paid and he gets access to download the .zip file one time.

it would be nice if the script will keep a record of all of that.

all the money needs to go into my paypal account.

thats about it.

more or less like templatemonster.com works.

if you know of such a php script system let me know!

I tried oscommerce, but its to hard to skin. and I tried bug-mall but it doesnt work and support is bad.


Get in line!
There are 2 hosts like that already who want to join in.

Nah, actually I'm not going to partner with them. you I may consider however.

But first I need to figure out how to make this workable.
Check hotscripts I remember someone already created a TM like shopping system with payment processor already intergrated.

I am sure I have seen a few others. Also check scriptlance out for coders.

If you can work a trade with turnkey that may be advantagous.
Hi, if you want I can write you a program to do it. Been programming perl for 5 years, php for 3 years. Anyhow, I have a full schedule this month and will be taking vacation at the end of the month. But, if you can hold off till Apr it will probally take me 5 - 7 days to write this for you.
Your probably best with a php gallery script and e-mail a link after payment is confirmed, to get the file for download. Do a google on that but will need a lot of extra scripting to do the automated delivery part.

We're working on a creative artists site at the moment to advertise and promote artists from all fields, that's an good additional idea to add in too as there are so many people both want and produce. :D
Hi Webster,

I know you mentioned osCommerce, but really, its probably your best option...

Great admin to manage products - need to install mod for downloadable products...

Skinning can be a bit of a pain (as you mentioned) - but Id recommend buying a template you like - traditionally the template will be built on a particular snapshot of osC - you can then add whichever mods you require to get the functionality you're looking for...

Best of luck with your project....
That link I posted has a few good options which should do nearly exactly what you are looking for, maybe with a bit of editing they would be perfect for your needs :)
Did you find something for this?
I would also be interested in a script like TM uses but for something other than selling templates
I'm waiting for next month to start on this. didn't find much... I think I found a system for 99$ that is skinable... but I didnt try it out. dont have time.

I'll do it next month, either with turnkey or with the system. thats up to him. ;)

will let you know.
