Been there. Done that.

Also if you complain about the deleted posts you will be deleted.

I think maybe Surpass is run by children. (seriously)

They sure act like it.

identiti said:
I've had bad experiences with Surpass's tech support. They're rude, and will arbitrarily ignore you.

the first was when our site got suspended due to high traffic. Eman, the head of tech wanted to transfer us to a semi-dedicated host for much more... about $25 a month. After that was settled, problems again cropped up. I talked to another tech and realized that our site was not placed on a semi-dedicated, but was merely on an unfilled server.

When Eman took over, he wanted to add RAM to the server, on my account, which was absurd as I'd be sharing the RAM with others, but not the bill. So I refused. He never unsuspended me and just sent me backup of the site.

During that same time, I was being ignored... And I posted my complaints in the forums, which they removed after kicking me out.

As a reseller, 2 of the accounts I host also got suspended and were not unsuspended again. support tickets have delayed replies and were supposed to have been sent to management for consideration. The suspensions were first time offenses and received no warning. Now, I am left with a bad reputation as host.

After that, I cancelled my account.

In doubt? search google and you'll find complaints against surpass with similar tactics.
Other that a few outages I have not experience this from them.
I find their support fast and helpful.
I find their servers fast and are now once again reliable. The only thing I find is that they seem to forget that everyone does not live in the USA and they reboot their servers very often. Just because it is 5am in Florida that does not mean it is that time everywhere in the world and on a couple of occasions they have done this and where I live there 5am is at my peak time of the evening.
Not good to have your site disapear at peak times.
Well, it would be nice if they didn't reboot so often, that I can understand, but about the time for resets... Any time is not a good time because there's always a peak time for someone from a certain part of the world. :)
True idcdc there will always be somewhere in the world that a reboot will effect. But my point is there should not need to be that many reboots if things are looked after and configured better. I have servers here that have not been booted for a good year and some of these are 2000. The Linux servers I have here I have never rebooted since the day they were setup and they are all purring nicely. I consider myself intermediate at servers, so if mine can work non stop for a year why cannot theirs?
Surely they have people with more experience than I looking after them.
I'm sure that your servers don't get worked as hard as theirs do. They may cram a lot of customers on a server and have to reboot because of the heavy usage. Just a thought...
Yeah maybe not.. but 2 reboots in a week is even excessive in my view.
My servers do get a fair bit of work mind you since they do server our community and my customers with help support and they also look after a few clients that I teach on so maybe not as much as their, but still I don't think reboots are needed that much on a linux box if it is configured correctly. Like I said I set up my linux boxes (2 of them) about 3 years ago and they have never been rebooted yet.
But in surpasses favour they have been very good lately and they even stayed online with that second storm that Florida just had.
I am not complaining about them, I think they are ok. I really think that the responces you get from a help desk depends on the manner in which you talk to them. Get angry and sware alot and I say expect the same back.

The only thing I find is that they seem to forget that everyone does not live in the USA and they reboot their servers very often.

We certainly are aware of this. Sometimes we need to reboot a server, and we cannot possibly wait for a certain time, as there is no perfect time to do so.

A server is only rebooted if a run-away process is causing the load to jump so much that the techs can't even SSH to the box. This is a rare occurance.
I have had my hosting with Surpass for many months now and I haven't had any signifigant problems with them at all. I rarley experiance downtime. I live less than 30 minutes from the datacenter and when Hurricane Charley (referred to as some weather/storm earlier) came through, I lost power only for a little bit and after my power came back on, I found out that the datacenter lost power too, but it was back up before I even knew it was down.

This company is not a scam. I paid for a full year for my plans and I am getting what I paid for. I would actually say that I need to pay them more for their service.

When Hurricane Charley came through and becasue of some resent DDOS attacks, they even credited me a free month of service and I experianced no more than a few hours downtime between the both of them. I even told them that I thought it wasn't smart to give away a month of service for something they could not control. The weather cannot be controlled and DDOS can be limited, but never blocked fully. This is the internet. Open Source is everywhere. The internet is not as stable as Windows 95.

I had a discussion with blueskies before about him and what happened on Surpass's community, Surmunity. He seemed to understand where Surpass and the other customers were coming from by the way he acted towards everybody. Blueskies, what has made you change your mind from what you had told me?

I also paid for a full year and unlike you I would not pay anymore ($100 is a lot of money to me). In saying that I am not saying there service is no good as I think they are ok.
I understand about the reboots.. but 2 in one week? Oh well.. things have been pretty good lately. The only reason that I posted about the reboots was due to a not so nice reply I got from one if the support members. This person in not so many words called me a lier which I did not take too kindly to.
Creative, it is positive that anything that was said was not intentional to make you feel any certain way. Our support replies are normally very fast, and because of that sometimes the replies are short and straight to the point to maintain the response times. Not sure if English is your first language but there may have been some miscommunication, I feel that may be the case. If you wish to further discuss it, please send an email to, we would greatly appreciate and welcome the opportunity to make sure that anything you have questions about is fully resolved and that we completely understand each other.
Yes my first language is english (hehe my only language is english) and I did understand exactly what was said. I was intending to post something about it (and I still have the emails) on your forums but did not feel that was the place to air these emails (in public so to speak). Normaly I have not got a complaint about your support and find it very good and helpful and your team (bar one) are very polite.
Since I have that email now I will submit exactly what was send to me and all the replies from there after.
Thank you very much. I do remember you saying here in another post that you received some internal welcomes that impressed you from some of the staff .. so anything else is a bit confusing and we'll get to the bottom of it. :snowman:
Yes.. I did.. and on the whole I have not got a problem with any of your support staff. I feel that this person I am refering to is not a regular support member. His attitude sounds more like a tech or an admin. I have been both of these and we can be an arrogant bunch. LOL.
Tracer Round, how did you happen to come across this thread?

Did someone ask you to sign up and post here?
That's how I found this thread. You can find anything with google. Sometimes you find things you aren't even looking for. :)

HostingDiscussion -
... 06-10-2004, 09:31, Post #1. Xcel_Hosting. HD Amateur. Join Date: Apr 2004. Posts:
121 Points : 217. A friend of mine uses this company. ... - 90k - Cached - Similar pages

After reading the entire thread, I decided to go ahead and register and post my experience with Surpass, including an incident that happened yesterday.

First off, I post in the Surpass forum ( as john also, so it's easy enough to see that I am just a customer (reseller) of theirs.

I've been with Surpass since about March of this year. I resell space to small businesses, organizations, and friends so that I can host local churches for free. I don't claim to be a major hosting company (don't even have my reseller site finished yet).

For the most part, my time with Surpass has been pretty uneventful. I'm a sysadmin, so I don't tend to contact support unless there is an issue with the server, so I haven't had a lot of interaction with them.

I haven't experienced much if any downtime during my time with them. There have been a couple of issues (DOS attacks, router and server issues), but they were cleared up as quickly as possible. When there was downtime due to maintenance, they told me. When it was something unexpected, they notified me after the situation was under control. As an admin, I know how things can go wrong, and don't fault them for how they've handled things.

The downtime issue did change when the hurricanes came to town. For anyone who just signed up, it might have seemed like they had made a mistake. During the first hurricane, the power failed, and the generators didn't kick on like they were supposed to. Downtime. Then they had a router not failover from one backbone to another when it needed to. More downtime. Things started to get stressful in the forum as a result.

Surpass knew that they needed to make some changes after the first hurricane, but the next one came to town before they could do anything, so we all just held our breath. That I'm aware of, there wasn't any downtime from the second storm.

Over this weekend, they changed the IP on my server. I noticed Monday night that I couldn't get to 3 of my websites. Looked like dns at first glance.

Decided to wait and see what it looked like in the morning. Yesterday morning, they were still down so I placed a support ticket. The front line support guys seemed a little baffled at the problem. It got escalated. I wound up working with a senior tech on the problem. Turned out that it was not dns, but a php problem. All 3 sites were running xoops. Throw an html page out there and it came up fine. At that point, it would have been just as easy for him to tell me that the server was fine, must be my sites, but he didn't. Instead, he recompiled php for me, and as of last night, my sites were back up. :)

Is Surpass perfect? Nope. Are they the best I've been with? Yep. Am I staying? You bet.

I've had hosts that were bought, hosts that went out of business, and one host (sultanhost) that sat back and watched me get hacked, and then kicked me out because I was responsible for what went on with my accounts. Go figure.

So, when one of the other surmunity members told me about Surpass getting trashed on another site, and that I could find it with Google, I decided to check it out, as I've had plenty of bad experiences, and didn't want to see them treated unfairly when they've treated me so good.

So far, the thread seems like a mix of good and bad, which is to be expected with any company. That's why I'm adding my experience to the mix, of my own free will.

Now that I'm here and registered and all, I think I may stick around awhile if you don't mind. Seems like a pretty friendly place where I might learn something.


PS. Sorry for such a long post. Just wanted to tell my story. :)
The thread has been in the top of the google SERPs for "surpasshosting" almost since it started. :)

I know it for a fact.
Last edited:
I doesn't really matter if it's the highest rated search term in history.

We have two first time ever posters who are both Surpass customers, and both signed up within a day of each other because they happened to be doing a Google search on a host that they are already with?

Come on.
As I mentioned in my post, I was told about this thread by another member of the surpass forum and was told that I could find it using google. I came over to see what the fuss was about. Since then, I've found a number of threads here that I could really learn something from, so I'm glad I came over. I'm not here for the sole purpose of defending Surpass, though it seemed from this thread that there were some that were here for the sole purpose of trashing them. I would like to participate in other threads here, but if the timing of my arrival and my first post causes you too much grief, I will leave. All I did was speak the truth as I know it.


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