*cough* personal vendetta? *cough*
It might seem that way, but it's not really. Blue was underlining the fact that a host with a datacenter of its own is not necessarily better.

virtualwebc, like some other people, feels that you're not a host unless you invest millions of dollars to build and own a datacenter. That's his opinion, but fact is that the vast majority of hosts, including many of the better ones, don't have a datacenter. Also, the datacenters specialise in catering to these hosting business, not to the end user, meaning they focus on the dedicated servers market, not shared hosting.

It's a smart business decision to start small if you don't have the budget to start big.

Not all web stores are Amazon, you know? That doesn't mean they're not stores. ;)

Some people look down on hosts that do not have a datacenter "like they do". Fact is that in the end it all comes down to the quality of the service.
stoavio said:
You lost me. I thought everyone was submitting insight on the company and sharing their definitions of "owning" a data center. I don't see how his post is any different from the others.

*cough* personal vendetta? *cough*

Perhaps you should learn the whole story before making your little accusations?

There is a history behind the post and there is a reason why his account is suspended here.
ldcdc said:
It might seem that way, but it's not really. Blue was underlining the fact that a host with a datacenter of its own is not necessarily better.

virtualwebc, like some other people, feels that you're not a host unless you invest millions of dollars to build and own a datacenter. That's his opinion, but fact is that the vast majority of hosts, including many of the better ones, don't have a datacenter. Also, the datacenters specialise in catering to these hosting business, not to the end user, meaning they focus on the dedicated servers market, not shared hosting.

It's a smart business decision to start small if you don't have the budget to start big.

Not all web stores are Amazon, you know? That doesn't mean they're not stores. ;)

Some people look down on hosts that do not have a datacenter "like they do". Fact is that in the end it all comes down to the quality of the service.

Thanks ldcdc - your post cleared some things up and I apologize perhaps I should've reserved my critisism until I knew a little more about the situtation :)
We started out small. As time went along and the customer base grew, of course the amount of servers grew as well. It just wasn't sensible anymore to keep leasing servers. Frankly it was a waste of money, such as renting an apartment for example. Do you agree it is better to own your own property and own equipment after some time? I surely think so, and that time can come for any business. There is a point when 2 worlds cross your mind and you have to come up with a different way to keep costs down. And the big jump to organizing a data center was our only solution. While the costs up front are massive, we were prepared for that and now we are definitely in it for the long run, and couldn't be more pleased with our decision. With everything at our fingertips and with more control, it couldn't be any better. The downside was all of the account transferring and the headaches that came with that for both ourselves and our customers. It could not have been 100% perfect, but we had to accept that fact and be ready to dust ourselves off and move on, knowing we did the right thing to continue growing and to continue providing better services.

So does owning your own data center make you a better company? Of course not. It all comes down to uptime and support, and you have to make that happen any way you can. :thumbsup: Owning the data center only can make assumptions about a company, such as if they are a serious company that has grown so much that they needed to do that. Of course there are great companies out there that don't have their own data center. But I do believe in the future, more small companies like us will begin to branch out into that realm. It just takes much time, and a definite need and want to do so.

Is it just me or does the forum seem slow... maybe it is just my connection. I edited a typo and was about to just say.. forget about it. Probably just me.. though I haven't checked to see how many users are online right now. ;)

Last edited:
Right now the forum runs fine for me and I checked it a few hours before too. Thanks for the feedback though.

Oh, and that was a nice story that you wrote for us. Thank you. :)
Yes, everybody has to start somewhere and just hope that you can provide a great service and that the word will spread so that one day, you will be fortunate enough to venture out into your own datacenter. Any host that owns its own datacenter is usually a good indicator that the host has been around and will continue to be around, and that the experience level is up there.
Reading these comments prompted me to register and reply.

I have been with a hosting company now for the past 3 years and to date have been very happy with their service.
As all sites do, mine has changed direction and in that it has grown out of our present hosters capabilities without it starting to cost me some major $$.

I have been looking around the web now for about 2 months looking for another hoster that offers both more space, bandwidth and most importantly of all for me (as a developer) no restrictions (other than alligated space) on mysql databases.

There are many out there that promise the moon and the entire universe, but upon hunting reviews find many of them less than attractive.
A friend told me about, so I had a look at what plans they offer. They seemed to have everything I wanted and so it was checking time. All the reviews I found about them were nothing but impressive and they all seemed to highly recommend
With that I sent them an email today asking them what may seem to many as a stupid question and I had an answer within an hour.
What with the time responce to my inquiry, plus the reviews I have seen I have no hesitation (and will be early next week) signing up for a year with

Note: No I do not work for, or are affiliated with in any shape or form.
As good as the reviews may seem I wouldn't recommend signing up with any host for a year.
Sign up for a monthly plan for at least 3 months before comitting to a full year.
I understand what you are saying.
I signed up for my previous hosting for a year only going by reviews and they ended up excellent and I stayed with them for a number of years.

Going by the reviews and also by the speedy reply, and the manner in which their email showed me I just have the same gutt feeling about this hoster that I had with my previous. So in that light I think I will sign up for the year.

Thanks for your advice, I know you are only offering sound advice.
Blue said:
As good as the reviews may seem I wouldn't recommend signing up with any host for a year.
Sign up for a monthly plan for at least 3 months before comitting to a full year.

It is perfectly fine to sign up with us for a year. We return any money due to a customer if they decide to leave early.

Thank you for signing up with Surpass, Creativeinz. I am glad that our team answered your questions quickly. We appreciate and value your business. We are ready for your site to grow just as you are. Please let us know if there is anything else you need or wonder about. sales[at]
With all due respect, of course you as the owner are going to say that it is perfectly fine to sign up for a year.

Any responsible host would not advocate it to the general public though. There are far too many scams out there.
Paying yearly requires a lot of thought - careful weighting of the risk/potential benefit ratio. As a potential customer there's only so much you can find out about a host to establish trustworthiness. Even if trustworthiness is not an issue, a lot of things can happen in a year, including bankruptcy, sale of the company etc.

Preferably one should go monthly at least for a few months to test drive the services, but then again, some hosts make this highly unfeasible from a financial point of view (high setup fees for non-yearly payment).

So, generally, from a customer's point of view, yearly payment is not as "fine" as a monthly payment. It really means a higher risk.
Well I signed up and have been with surpass for about 2 weeks.
The start was not good at all and I was thinking HUGE MISTAKE.. but it ended up that there was a storm in Florida that I did not know about which caused the problems.
Even with that storm they did manage to keep their servers up about 80% of the time.
Now that everything has settled down and they are back in full swing again I must say that I am more than happy with them.
What they offer in the cpanel in my view is second to none for what I am paying. Excellent.
Also the space and databases are a huge plus with me.
There servers are fast, reliable,(now that storm has past) and I have no complaints what so ever.
Oh.. just in passing.. I must of had an email from just about every staff member welcoming me to their service. Now you don't get that everywhere.
I also signed up for a year. If all goes well I will also be paying for another year in a few months.
Well they are sorta ok. Had 3 unannounced outages so far in less than a month which I am not to thrilled with.
When I first complained about no notification about an outage I was asked to signup to their forums as the announcements come from there.
So I did and since then there has been to more unannouced outages (still waiting for it to come back up now). Although they still seem alright I am not comfortable with unannounced outages one little bit.
Sure some can be hardware.. but not 3 in as many weeks. With the site I am building I need people to have access when THEY want it and not when the host is working.

I will see how it goes and if the outages continue I will be looking elsewhere as like I said I HATE unannounced outages.
They were out for about an hour and they said they had some packet problems with some of their servers.
I guess this could happen, but hopefully not too much.
I've had bad experiences with Surpass's tech support. They're rude, and will arbitrarily ignore you.

the first was when our site got suspended due to high traffic. Eman, the head of tech wanted to transfer us to a semi-dedicated host for much more... about $25 a month. After that was settled, problems again cropped up. I talked to another tech and realized that our site was not placed on a semi-dedicated, but was merely on an unfilled server.

When Eman took over, he wanted to add RAM to the server, on my account, which was absurd as I'd be sharing the RAM with others, but not the bill. So I refused. He never unsuspended me and just sent me backup of the site.

During that same time, I was being ignored... And I posted my complaints in the forums, which they removed after kicking me out.

As a reseller, 2 of the accounts I host also got suspended and were not unsuspended again. support tickets have delayed replies and were supposed to have been sent to management for consideration. The suspensions were first time offenses and received no warning. Now, I am left with a bad reputation as host.

After that, I cancelled my account.

In doubt? search google and you'll find complaints against surpass with similar tactics.

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